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Creating and modifying customer rates

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Customers à Reports à Accounts à Search


This page allows you to create customer rates for a specific account or make changes to an existing one. A customer rate is the amount of money that is charged to your customers for services rendered by your consultants. Rates for customers can differ from one account to another, depending on factors such as complexity of projects or relationship with customers.

Roles and rights

To create and modify customer rates, function right 1015 – Maintain rates at the Corporate level and the Project manager role is required. Users with the Project administration role have this function right.


  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 252.

How do I create customer rates?

  1. On the Accounts: Search page, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required account by clicking the hyperlink in the Account name column.
  4. On the selected account card, click Customer rates.
  5. On the Customer rates page of the selected account, under the Customer rates section, click New.
  6. On the Customer rate page of the selected account, define the relevant fields.
  7. Click Save.

Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.

How do I modify customer rates?

  1. On the Accounts: Search page, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required account by clicking the hyperlink in the Account name column.
  4. On the selected account card, click Customer rates.
  5. On the Customer rates page of the selected account, in the Action column, click the corresponding Edit hyperlink of the required customer rate.
  6. On the Customer rate page of the selected account, modify the relevant fields.
  7. Click Save.

How do I delete customer rates?

  1. On the Accounts: Search page, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required account by clicking the hyperlink in the Account name column.
  4. On the selected account card, click Customer rates.
  5. On the Customer rates page of the selected account, in the Action column, click the corresponding Edit hyperlink of the required customer rate.
  6. Click Delete. The message “Are you sure you want to delete this record?” will be displayed.
  7. Click OK.



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