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Macola ES Installation and Setup Guide > Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Converting Progression SQL to Macola ES

Complete information for migrating from Progression SQL to Macola ES can be found on the Conversion Center page. The Progression SQL to Macola ES Upgrade User Guide contains information about performing the actual conversion, as well as performing post-conversion activities. This guide contains detailed instructions and steps vital to the conversion process, as well as warnings and prerequisites.

Before running the conversion process, you must complete the following:

  1. Meet all hardware and software prerequisites - See Chapter 1
  2. Install SQL Server 2000 a Windows Server and configure workstations - See SQL Server documentation
  3. Define Macola ES users in SQL Server 2000 - See Chapter 1
  4. Install the Macola ES Network Installation directory on a Windows Server and install Macola ES on one workstation - See Chapter 1
  5. Perform all pre-conversion analysis and preparation and run the actual conversion to Progression SQL to Macola ES. See the Progression SQL to Macola ES Upgrade User Guide.
  6. Perform post-conversion activities - See the Progression SQL to Macola ES Upgrade User Guide
  7. Install Macola ES on the remaining workstations on your network - See Chapter 1

Conversion Overview

Converting a company database from Progression SQL to Macola involves two main phases, a planning stage and a conversion stage. The planning stage allows the implementation team to collect the information required for the conversion.

The conversion stage actually converts the Progression SQL company database to Macola ES format using a combination of SQL scripts and called programs. SQL scripts are used whenever possible to allow for quicker and easier changes to the conversion.

The conversion process is DESTRUCTIVE and cannot be rolled back. The conversion is destructive because the process actually takes your existing Progression SQL database and converts it into a Macola ES database. It is highly recommended that you make a good backup of your Progression SQL database before converting. You should also test the conversion on a copy of the database before you convert your live database.

Two rules apply while performing the conversion:

  1. You cannot enter any data into Macola ES until you have performed the conversion. To perform the conversion, you must install Macola ES. You may be tempted to begin entering information into the system. However, to enter information, you will have to create a new company. The conversion process also creates a new company. If you enter data into Macola ES before the conversion, this data will reside in a separate database from your converted data. There is no way to merge the two databases for Macola ES.
  2. Do not launch Macola ES while running the conversion. If you launch Macola ES while the conversion is running, the conversion will fail, and may leave your data in an unknown state.

The conversion process requires planning and a pause in business flow. Test the conversion on a backup of your Progression SQL database, repeatedly, if necessary. This will ensure that your data is ready to convert. Failure to prepare your data for the conversion may leave you with increased downtime, as you will be unable to enter data into either Progression or Macola ES.

The security model for Macola ES uses Windows Authentication, unlike earlier Progression security. To smoothly convert to Macola ES and run in this environment, we recommend you first create an NT Domain group, called Macola, and add all users who will be accessing Macola ES to that group. Next, you must ensure that the Macola group has access permissions to SQL Server 2000.