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EN Debitoren-/Kreditorenauszug drucken

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The following screen is displayed when you click the Print button.
Note: The screen below is an example when you click Print from Finance/Accounts payable/Cards. The screen is exactly the same when you click Print from Finance/Accounts receivable/Cards except for several fields/check boxes which will be described below.


Layout section


Select the type of report you want displayed. If you want to generate an extensive report, select Details. If you are only interested in a receivables or payables list, select List.

Reference number

Select Our ref. or Entry no. to be used as the reference number for the report.


Select Period, Date, Entry no., Your reference, Our ref., Reporting date, or External number to group the data in the report accordingly. Your selection here changes the last field under the Range section.


Select Currency, Entry no., Posting user, or Budget to display the extra information in the report. This is available only if Details is selected at Report.

New page every creditor

Select this check box to indicate that you want to display each creditor on a new page.

Note: This label for this check box is New page every debtor for accounts receivables.


Select this check box to display unprocessed transactions together with processed transactions.


Select this check box to display the subtotal for each period. This is enabled only if Period is selected at Order.


Select this check box to summarize the report.

Note: The fields below are enabled only if the Summarize check box is selected.

Settlement transactions

Select this check box to display settlement transactions together with other financial transactions.

Collective entries

Select this check box to display collective entries together with individual entries.

Filter section


Select All to display all debtor/creditor cards, Only with balance to display debtor/creditor cards with balance, or Only with transactions to display debtor/creditor cards with transactions.

Balance / PL

Select All to display all transactions, B/S to display balance sheet transactions, or Profit & Loss to display profit & loss transactions.


Type a full or partial description to display the transactions that match this description.

Range section


Select the type of data you want to display. Select All to display all data, Supplier to display supplier data, or Payroll to display payroll data.

Note: This is not available for accounts receivables.


Type or select a creditor code or range of codes to display the transactions linked to the selected creditor. Select the All check box for all creditors.

Note: This label for this field is Debtor for accounts receivables.


Type or select a classification code or range of codes to display the transactions linked to the selected classification. Select the All check box for all classifications.

Centralized account

Type or select a centralized account code or range of codes to display the transactions linked to the selected centralized account. Select the All check box for all centralized accounts.


Type or select a project code or range of codes to display the transactions linked to the selected project. Select the All check box for all projects.

Cost center

Type or select a cost center or range of cost centers to display the transactions linked to the selected cost center. Select the All check box for all cost centers.

Cost unit

Type or select a cost unit or range of cost units to display the transactions linked to the selected cost unit. Select the All check box for all cost units.


Select a year to display transactions for the selected year.


Type a period or range of periods to display transactions for that period. Select the All check box for all periods.

Currency section


Type or select the currency you want the report in.

Exchange rate

Select the type of exchange rate you want to use when displaying the data in the report. You can choose from Original, Current, or Historical. For more information, see Maintaining Exchange Rates.


Type or select the exchange rate date in order to determine the correct rate. This is used to convert the amounts to the selected currency. Date is only enabled if you have selected Historical at Exchange rate.

Note: The amount stipulated from the general ledger reports generated will be based on the following examples:

  • If you choose Historical, the foreign currency amount stipulated in the report will be recalculated based on the default currency amount at the exchange rate of the date specified at the Date field and the type of currency chosen at the Currency field at the Currency section. Thus, if the transaction currency is the same as the selected currency, then the system will also recalculate the foreign currency amount based on the exchange rate of the date specified.  
  • If you choose Original, the foreign currency will be recalculated using the default currency amount based on the exchange rate of the date specified at the Date field. However, if the transaction currency is the same as the selected currency, then the system will not recalculate the foreign currency amount.  



Click this to generate the report. In the Report screen, click Print to print the report or Close to exit.


Click this to exit.

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