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Product Update 395/396: New Value-Added Tax (VAT) Rules (Belgian Legislation)


As of January 1, 2010, fundamental changes to the current value-added tax (VAT) accounting and reporting processes are introduced. These significant changes include rules on the places supplying services to businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C), regulations for cross-border VAT refunds, and the administrative cooperation.

The enhancements to comply with the European Union (EU) law have been implemented for EU countries and Belgium. For more information, see Product Update 395:/396 New Value-Added Tax (VAT) Rules for European Union (EU) Countries. In this update, more enhancement have been introduced to the Belgian legislation.   

Menu path

  • Finance/VAT/Statistics/EU sales list
  • Finance/VAT/Statistics/VAT/VAT return
  • Finance/VAT/Statistics/VAT/VAT listing
  • Finance/VAT/Statistics/VAT/Corrections of EU Sales list

What has been changed

The following changes are implemented for the Belgian legislation and applicable when Use tax module in General ledger settings is disabled and if SE1100 – E-Invoice is included in the license:

  • VAT codes, reporting features, and VAT-related data will be enhanced and adjusted in order to comply with EU law for the year 2010. When you update to product update 396, the following screen is displayed. Click Yes to execute the conversion script. Once the script is executed successfully, this screen will not appear the next time you open Exact Globe. Click No to abort the conversion script process and you will see this screen again the next time you open Exact Globe.

  • At Finance/Vat/Statistics/VAT/EU sales list, the Letter button is removed. The Selection, Year, and Month fields have been added for printing reports, whereby the options Monthly and Quarterly are available at Selection. If you choose Monthly at the Selection field, then the month is displayed at the Month field. If you choose Quarterly at the Selection field, then the quarter is displayed at the Quarter field.  

  • Reports generated will include listing services defined under the VAT codes screen.
  • The report layout for electronic EU sales lists has been enhanced to comply with the EU law for the year 2010 onwards.  
  • At Finance/VAT/Statistics/VAT/Corrections of EU Sales list, the Selection field has been added for printing correction reports, whereby the options Monthly and Quarterly are available at Selection. If you choose Monthly at the Selection field, then the month is displayed at the Month field. If you choose Quarterly at the Selection field, then the quarter is displayed at the Quarter field. 

  • When you click Assign, a EU sales list screen is displayed, whereby the options Monthly and Quarterly are available depending on what you have selected at the Selection field. Select the appropriate month or quarter from the new drop-down list respectively. See the following sample screen:

VAT return

  • The ClientListingNihil check box under the Options section is added, as displayed in the following screen. This check box is enabled only if Official documents is selected at Report under the VAT return section. Once selected, the report will include an XML tag, <xs: pattern value = YES|NO>.

  • In the same screen, the EDIVAT button has been removed.
  • The VAT report generated for year 2010 onwards will include the results from the ClientListingNihil field and is displayed as NIHIL BTW LISTING in the report.
  • The ClientListingNihil check box selected will be included in the electronic VAT return file generated.
  • If Internal is selected at Report under the VAT return section, you can specify the date range that ends with the year 2010 onwards, select the All check box, or leave the field blank under the Criteria section to view the enhanced report that complies with the EU law for the year 2010.

  • The VAT returns 44 and 88 are added to the VAT boxes screen.

  • The VAT report generated for year 2010 onwards will include the selection of the ClientListingNihil check box and the newly added VAT boxes, as displayed in the following sample report:

    Note: The above screen is available only if Official documents is selected at Report under the VAT return section.

VAT Listing

  • At Finance/VAT/Statistics/VAT/VAT listing, the Letter button is removed.
  • The report layout for electronic vat listings has been improved to comply with the EU law for the year 2010.

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 19.654.964
 Assortment:  Date: 09-05-2017
 Release: 396  Attachment: