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Demoscript for DeltaRental


Demoscript for Delta Field Service


The previous steps will have given you a first general impression of the possibilities of e-Synergy. Being able to service products in itself is, of course, an element of Exact’s online service solution. You are now going to carry out several steps that form an important part of this process yourself, namely planning your maintenance activities online and recording the relevant details in the system. By including this information in our product, a substantial part of the actual service process will be illustrated.

It goes without saying that every service process is different. Exact software offers you a helping hand for many other applications.

By following the steps below you will:

To do so, you will now run through a number of steps in the system, as you did before.


The service process

In this example, we will be looking at the contract of the account ‘Amstel’. This customer already has a service contract with your company. We will now add new items to this contract, on the basis of the request in our workflow.


General about service contracts:

A service contract specifies which items or machines (identified by means of a serial number) are covered by a maintenance agreement. Recording this information enables you to see for which items a particular customer has bought a service contract. The service fee can be specified in the contract for each individual item, and the service contract itself can be billed periodically. Terms and conditions regarding services that have been incorporated in the contract can be printed out using a mail merge link to MS Word.


Click on the Service tab in the upper menu

Go to the upper menu and click on Service Contract

You can now look up any contract you wish to view. If you have specific details you can enter these here. We wish to view the service contract of the account ‘Amstel’.


Click on the magnifying glass and select the account concerned


Click on the ‘Search’ button


You will be shown an overview of all the service contracts of this particular account. We will select the following service contract with contract number ‘20429:0006’ , seen as we will be modifying an existing contract. Not all details have been entered; a e-Copier 1000 with warranty conditions have to be added to the service contract, for example.


Click on the number of the contract we wish to view


We now see a complete overview of the contract we have made for our customer. The top of the screen shows the main details of the contract and the at bottom of the screen the different stipulations of the contract have been set out, divided into different parts in accordance with the different items.

We want to add an item, viz. a e-Copier 1000, as this item has been indicated in the customer’s request.


Click on the button       next to the service contract lines


We now see a screen with extensive possibilities to add details of the item to the contract. We want to select an item first, which is actually mandatory.


Click on one of the magnifying glasses next to items



The following screen allows you to select service items. We want to select the e-Copier 1000. For this purpose, we first choose the ‘search’ button to get an overview of all the items. Another way to select a particular item is by entering the item number or by using the filter on assortment 'machines'. Yet another possibility is to look up items by description.


Click on  


We will now get an overview of all items, one of which is the e-Copier 1000 that our customer wishes to in the service contract. Before entering the item into the service line, we can now check a number of details, such as:

  • How much does it cost to have a service contract for this product, and what is the monthly rate for our customer?

To be able to answer these questions properly, we will select the magnifying glass with the item. We will then be shown all relevant details.



Click on the magnifying glass next to the item


As the item has already been selected, the only thing we need to do is select the right serial number.




Click on the magnifying glass next to the serial number


Optional: Enter in the field 'serial number' the serial number of the client of the item e-Copier 1000.



Then click on    to see all serial numbers and information on the various e-Copier 1000.



By consulting the information on this screen you will know the status of each e-Copier. At the same time, it shows you all the activities that have been planned, such as service contract that have been made, or items that will be taken in for service etc.

Select the serial number of the customer, for example the serial number 'e-Copier-WW045-TT-200375', otherwise take the first available serial number.


We will now continue by creating the contract line item. Right now this may seem a lot of work, but once you have started working with the system, viewing relevant information and interpreting data in the correct way will only take you a few seconds.

The next step is entering details such as the date that the service contract is valid, the meter reading at the time of delivery - if required - and so on. We will only fill in the dates of the period concerned.

If necessary, we can also adjust contract prices or contract rates for the customer, for example by basing the rates on the rates applying to another item.



Enter the relevant data and click on ‘save’


A service item has now been added to the contract. The system also allows you to check this. We can now enter many other data, such as warranty agreements that have been made with the customer, remarks about the service contract, etc.



Click on the button       next to the service contract lines


We now see a screen with extensive possibilities to add details of the warranty for the contract. We want to select the warranty item 'All-In' and in the field 'percentage' fill in '100%'. (For this item is defined that when using the 'child' items in the service order request 100% discount will be given to the customer.)


Explanation of using Warranty:

The contract may also include the agreements that have been made with the customers as to the nature, scope and extent of the coverage, by defining the items and activities that fall under the guarantee. These guarantee clauses can be referred to when a report of a breakdown is being recorded.



Something we do wish to do is send a quotation to a customer, by making a print preview of this contract and sending it to the customer. If we click on the ‘preview’ button at the top of the screen we will get a print preview. This is a Word document, and you are free to define the way it looks, which means that you can add your own logo, make your own layout, etc.



Click on the Invoice Preview button

Once we have granted approval of the document the service contract agreement can be made into a definitive contract.



Click on the      button



Follow-up and Reporting

We have now seen how several important aspects of the software work, such as the selecting service items, creating contracts and providing written confirmation of an agreement to the customer. In fact, these are the main activities carried out for creating a service contract. Of course, it is possible to make management reports on the basis of these activities, which may provide you with a quick insight into your company’s performance. We will now take a quick look at a few of these reports, which are based on all the requests that have been entered into the system today.


Serial numbers

First of all we will take a look at what has been done, and at the data that have been entered. It has been a busy afternoon for Delta-Rent. To be able to get a good overview of all activities that have taken place we can simply run through the different serial numbers.


Click on Rental, select Availability Search, Serial numbers


We will now return to a screen we have viewed before, which displays all the items by listing their serial numbers. If we enter the period for this month and click on the Search button, an overview of all relevant activities and serial numbers will appear on the screen.


Enter the correct period and click on    , view details.


We can thus see the details of all service requests and other activities.



Create service order request

When a breakdown or failure has been reported by a customer, a service order can be created stating the name of the customer, the item or machine, and the details of the breakdown or technical problem. A problem code can be recorded to indicate a predefined set of possible problems. It is possible to create a service order without ever having had previous contact with the customer concerned. The same goes for service agreements where all known data are filled out automatically.


How to create a service request:


Click on the Service tab in the upper menu

Go to the upper menu and click on Service Contract


You can now look up any contract you wish to view. If you have specific details you can enter these here. We wish to view the service contract of the account ‘Amstel’.


Click on the magnifying glass and select the account concerned


Click on the ‘Search’ button


You will be shown an overview of all the service contracts of this particular account. We will select the following service contract with contract number ‘20429:0006’ , seen as we will be modifying an existing contract. Not all details have been entered; a e-Copier 1000 with warranty conditions have to be added to the service contract, for example.


Click on the number of the contract we wish to view


We now see a complete overview of the contract we have made for our customer. The top of the screen shows the main details of the contract and the at bottom of the screen the different stipulations of the contract have been set out, divided into different parts in accordance with the different items.

We want to select the service line for item, e-Copier 1000. 


Click on line 1 or on the item you add in the beginning to the service contract.






Click on the ‘Request’ button in the service contract line




Click on the ‘New’ button in the service contract line

At this moment you have the possibility to see all historical and current service order requests for this service contract item.



Remark: When the service order request is created some data will be filled in automatically.

For example: Account, contact person, service item, serial number, date, resource.


In the service order request is it possible to report the breakdown or failure, the item or machine, and the details of the breakdown or technical problem. A problem code and action code can also be recorded to indicate a predefined set of possible problems and solutions.


Pres on the button 'Submit'




Work planning for service engineer

When a service mechanic is needed to perform repairs, a service order can be assigned to the right mechanic by making use of an extensive search function, entering details such as the skills and availability of the service mechanics.


Open the service request again and press on the button 'Service lines'. 



Click on the magnifying glass for the field 'resource' .





The following screen allows you to select a service engineer. We want to select resource 'James Carlson'. For this purpose, we first choose the ‘search’ button to get an overview of all resources. Another way to select a particular resource is by entering the skill, job title, location, start date, by using the criteria on resources'. 





The result of engineers will be shown now

In this screen you have the possibility to see the planning of the resources by pressing on the button "Planning". 

Select resource "James Carlson".




Optional to use this overview:



Recording parts used and hours worked

On the service order mechanics can record the parts and materials they have used and the hours they have worked. If the service order relates to a service contract, the service order will also state whether or not the parts used and the hours worked are covered by the guarantee, according to the terms and conditions set out in the contract.

Search for the main service request (use ID: xxxx)  and press on the button 'service lines'. Now it is possible to record parts used and hours worked in the service lines by selecting a 'type'.


We will select the following type 'Service working hours', select item 'Working hours' (use keyboard function F2), enter quantity, press on the button 'calculator' (the price will be calculated based on the quantity and warranty items from the contract) use warehouse 'Car1'. The field warranty will be checked depending on the contract and warranty items. The field 'invoice to' can be used to define  .



Press on the button Realize on the main service request (use ID: xx). Now all sub service lines will be also automatically realized.




Billing service order requests

The parts used and the hours worked, insofar as they are not covered by the guarantee, will be billed to the customer. The parts used are also recorded to ensure that the inventory records are kept up-to-date, whilst the materials used and hours worked are booked as costs. This functionality is fully integrated with Exact Globe 2000, linking the information with your accounting records.

General information about how to setup creating invoices in e-Synergy use the following document id 03.436.223

Using e-Synergy workflow functionality it is possible to create invoice requests. It is then possible to XML upload this data to Exact Globe 2000 where this data can be enriched and processed further.

This report can be used to assign invoice numbers to requests. After this step has been completed the invoices can be exported via XML so they can be imported in Exact Globe 2000. Menu: [Logistics, Reports, To be invoiced].

Explanation of fields

Only requests which have been selected (the checkbox should be marked) will be included in the invoicing process. Only a current actor of the request(s) will have the possibility to mark the checkbox(es). The collection of requests for the same (invoice) customer, in the same currency, for the same resource will have the same invoice number. After the checkbox(es) are marked, the button 'Invoicing' should be pressed. At that moment, an invoice number will be generated. How the invoice number will look like, depends on the settings for the creation of invoice numbers in e-Synergy. This can be found in [Logistics, Maintenance, Settings] .


Now the XML export  can be started.

The [System, Maintenance, XML, Homepage] provides the export functionality. Select the invoice checkbox and the 'csfinentries' (for the service inventory) and then choose download. The approved invoice requests, as defined in the process section of the request, will be exported to XML then.

Explanation of fields

 The 'show' button might be used to check whether an export is created. It might be that invoices are not included in the XML whereas is expected that they should be. In the request definition of the invoice request, the 'status - before' is defined in the 'process financial' section. Only requests with this status are included in the export.

Within Exact Globe 2000, menu: [XML, Logistic import, Sales invoices] and menu [Tailor-made, Field Service, Service entries] the path to the XML file can be defined, but a link to the website can be entered as well. In this way the import can be done immediately, without having to export and import.

Import service invoices


Import service entries





Preventive maintenance

Preventive servicing can be planned automatically by entering an item. It is possible to indicate which service items need servicing in a particular period. The service activities will then be assigned to the right service mechanic. Because everything gets recorded in a clear and uniform way, it is easy to retrieve the information again if you need it. There are also extensive search functions and report functions to enhance the efficiency of your service department.

In addition to the specific service functionality the solution of course also provides full integration with other Exact modules. You can, for example, use an integrated billing and accounting module. E-Synergy, Exact’s business solution, also provides an online digital archive for all the organization’s documents and files. This enables you, for example, to record the history of service reports per item and to streamline inventory management and planning. It also offers you a customer relationship management tool for recording all kinds of customer data and activities as well as a tool for workflow management, whereby you can define which activities must be carried out when and by whom.

Click on the Service tab in the upper menu

Go to the upper menu and click on Preventive maintenance

You can generate preventive maintenance requests. If you have specific details you can enter these here. We wish to generate for item 'e-Copier 1000’ a preventive maintenance request.

Press on the button '' to generate preventive maintenance requests.


The following preventive maintenance requests are generated:

Remark: Preventive maintenance will be scheduled by means of a special type of request for serial numbers. Preventive maintenance requests will be created by a generator function. The generator works from the item or serial number search function. The function only generates the next preventive maintenance request. 

Conditions when a preventive maintenance request will be generated:

For each serial number the preventative maintenance function will first determine if there is a number of days on the item master card. If not then the serial numbers for this item are skipped.

Else the last preventive maintenance request will be retrieved.

  1. If it is realized or processed then the generator will create a new preventive maintenance request for the serial number with planned start date = start date of ‘old’ request + number of days.   
  2. If it is in another status then the start date of the request will be updated as follows: find the previous realized or processed request, take its start date and add the number of days to it.

If there is no previous preventive maintenance request then the start date of the serial number as a reference date in the above two situations will be used.

On the 'item card' the period for preventive maintenance will be stored in a free field. This is the number of days after which preventive maintenance must be done.

Press on the hyperlink 'request' of the item e-Copier 1000 to open the request.


The following data in the request is filled automatically:

Item, serial number, planned start date, creator, customer (find active contract with the serial number on it), contact.




It is now possible to plan an engineer in the preventive maintenance request. After planning it's possible to approve the request and can be finished as the standard procedures for requests in e-Synergy. 




Service reports

In e-Procurement [Workflow, Search] it is possible to search through all existing service requests with predefined criteria. When the available reports in e-Procurement do not supply the required information, the search option is a very good alternative. For example to search for serial numbers cause the most problems, what sort of problems, what materials are use (most) often. Analyzing such overviews allows you to manage the service company in detail.

Overview of Malfunctions of serial numbers defined by the user



Before selecting the "search" button which will display all the requests that comply with the selected criteria, it is possible to see how many requests comply to the selected criteria. This can be done be by selecting the "count" button.


When a new search for requests must be done, the selection fields that were already filled can be cleared by selecting the reset button. 


The search screen can be customized completely to your own needs. There are 35 different available criteria to select from (only 26 can be selected at the same time). In the table below all possible search criteria will be discussed.


This report has brought us to the end of this script. Our goal has been to give you a first impression of the possibilities of Exact Software’s Online Field Service Solution and, therefore, to make you make you think about your own company processes and the possibilities our solution has to offer in this respect. It is important to know that the solution we have presented to you, and the way of working with it, can be adapted. Company-specific service processes are by no means an exception, and almost every service company will of course have its own specific demands as to software solutions. Exact’s field service solution is therefore flexible, and can be adjusted to your company’s specific needs. Feel free to ask us anything you may wish to know about the possibilities for your own company processes, so that we may show you that Exact’s Online Field Service Solution can offer added value to your company.


Also take a look at:
Online Service Manual