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Overview of list layouts

Menu paths

  • Documents ? Setup ? Layouts ? List
  • Marketing ? Setup ? Web site ? List


This page displays list layouts available in the system. You can also create list layouts or modify existing ones on this page.

A list layout can be used in several functions of the system such as a website where you can select a list layout to use as website content. For these types of application, you select a list layout to use from selection boxes or windows.

You can embed a list layout inside a document in inline frame, display the layout in a web site frame, or create a hyperlink to the list. For these types of application, you can use an absolute or relative URL to generate the list. A full URL hyperlink structure to generate the list is:

schema://authority/virtual directory/docs/DocLayoutListView.aspx?ID=list layout code


  • Schema — This is the URL schema. Replace the schema with http or https depending on the server of your system.
  • Authority — This is the URL authority; mostly known as the domain name. Replace this part with the domain name of your system.
  • Virtual directory — This is the virtual directory of the URL path. Replace this part with the virtual directory of your system. If your system is hosted in the root directory of the authority, omit this part.
  • List layout code — This is the code of the list layout. Replace this with the code of the list layout you want to use to generate the list. If there are spaces in the code, replace each space with ++. For list layout code in special characters, replace them with the proper URL escape character such as %23 for # (hash).

As an example, the code of the list layout you want to use is mylist layout. There is a space in the list layout code. The URL in your browser address bar when you access your system is:

Notice that the URL schema is https, the authority is, and the path does not have a virtual directory since your system is hosted in the root directory. In this case, the absolute URL to generate a list using the list layout is:

You can use this URL to generate the list using the mylist layout list layout. You only need the final path component, DocLayoutListView.aspx?ID=mylist++layout; omitting the schema, authority, and path; if you are creating the hyperlink from a document in the system.

Roles and rights

All users can access this page to view the list layouts. However, to create or modify list layouts, function right 282 – Maintain Layouts, division level is required. By default, users with the Documents administrator or Web administrator role have this function right.


  • For more details on function rights, go to System ? Setup ? Security ? Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System ? Setup ? Security ? Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 240 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I create list layouts?

  1. On the page, click New.
  2. Under the List section, type a code for the list layout at Code.
  3. Define the rest of the fields where necessary.
  4. Click Save.

Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon is mandatory.

How do I modify list layouts?

  1. On the page, click the hyperlink of the corresponding list layout to be modified.
  2. Make the necessary changes.
  3. Click Save.

How do I delete list layouts?

  1. On the page, select the check boxes of the corresponding list layouts to be deleted.
  2. Click Delete.



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