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EN Zahlungen und Eingänge gegen Rechnungen ausbuchen

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The following screen
is displayed when you click the Match to invoices button under the Matching & Processing section in the Entry screen (go to Cash flow/Entries/Cash flow or Cash flow/Entries/Cash advance, click New or select an entry and click Edit). The Match to invoices button can be used to directly match the cash flow transaction to outstanding unmatched invoices (or one or more installments). The differences between this button and the Search button is that via the Match to invoices button, you get a different matching window and you can also match with other cash flow transactions.


You can start the matching process as shown on the screen below.


Select Unmatched to view unmatched cash flow transactions. Select All to view all (matched and unmatched) cash flow transactions. By default, Unmatched is selected.


Click this to display the advanced search/filter section.


By default and dependent on your allocation, this is filled with the creditor/debtor code and its description.


Select the Amount check box to enable the search for invoices with varying amounts. This check box is enabled only if a transaction in the Cash / bank section is selected. Once the Amount check box is selected, it enables the +/- field where you can type any variation that you want so that it is possible to search for invoices that vary from the amount of the cash flow transaction. For example, if 0.05 is typed and a cash flow amount of 400.00 is selected, then the system will search for amounts between 399.95 and 400.05.


Click Extensive to do an extensive search by using the contents of Description to find matching invoices.


Click Search to search for the invoices based on the defined criteria.

Our ref./Your ref./Order No.

Select our reference, your reference or order number. Your selection here enables you to enter and search for the reference/order number in the field below. By default, Our ref. is selected.

Our ref./Your ref./Order No.

Type the our reference number, your reference number or order number that you want to search for. This field changes according to your selection above. If you have chosen the our reference,  appears on the right of this field. You can click on it to search for invoices based on the creditor/debtor account.

Pay. Ref.

Type the payment reference number that you want to search for.

Run number

Type the run number that you want to search for. This is the batch number that is generated by the bank when processing installments to be paid or collected using an export file or printed documents (cheques, letters of credit, cash vouchers). The run number is only assigned and applicable to installments.


Type the date or date range. All transactions that fall within this date or date range will then be available.

Group by

Group the invoices or installments by:

  • None
  • Our ref.
  • Payment date
  • Instrument no.
  • Run number
  • Payment reference
  • Your reference
  • Order number


By default, None is selected.


Type the description of the invoice that you want to search for.

Cash / bank section

This section displays all transactions that match the search criteria.

Invoices section

This section displays all invoices that match the search criteria.



Click this to update the results according to the defined criteria.


Click this to void selected invoices. This button will not be enabled if a transaction is selected at the same time. All voided invoices can be viewed in the void register at System/Finance/Register/Void.


Click this to automatically match the cash flow transaction with the invoice(s). Once the transactions are matched, they are automatically removed from the screen and what remains are the unmatched entries. However, if the system is unable to automatically match the cash flow transaction with the invoice(s), you must manually do the matching by clicking on Match/Process.


Click this to display the debtor/creditor card. For more information, see Viewing Creditor Card or Viewing Debtor Card.

Internal use

Click this to display the Internal use screen. This button is only available for cash out payments. For more information, see Viewing Internal Inventory.


Click this to display further details of the selected invoice or view the selected cash flow entry in the entry screen.

Our ref.

Click this to view the complete transaction which is part of the selected line based on the internal reference number.


Click this to remove matched invoices from cash flow transactions. This is especially beneficial if you have made a mistake while matching. If it’s a VAT term and VAT return has not been generated yet, you need to enter a password before being able to perform the unmatch function.


Click this to remove the allocated debtor/creditor account and reallocate another debtor/creditor account. If reallocation is done, you need to reselect the transaction and match it to the new debtor/creditor invoice(s).


Click this to match and process the invoice(s). For more information, see Processing Matched Invoices.


Click this to exit.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 21.413.729
 Assortment:  Date: 24-11-2010
 Release:  Attachment: