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Exact Globe+   

PU 504 | 503 | 502 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): Include VAT credit VP8 and VP13 in VAT return (Italian legislation)

The generation of VAT returns for Italy in XML format has been supported by Exact Globe since product update 415.

The adjustments in this product update will determine how the amount from VP8 Credito periodo precedente and VP13 Acconto dovuto will be displayed in the VAT return XML file.

The amount that you define at the VP8 Credito periodo precedente field will be added as the value for the <CreditoPeriodoPrecedente> tag in the first period. The value of the <CreditoPeriodoPrecedente> tag is derived from <ImportoACredito> from the previous period. If the value of <CreditoPeriodoPrecendente> is zero, the tag will not be displayed.

The amount that you define at the VP13 Acconto dovuto field will be added as a value for the <Acconto> tag. The <Acconto> and <Metodo> tags will be displayed in the last period of the VAT return.

Note: This functionality is only available for VAT return XML.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 32.061.014
 Assortment:  Date: 31-07-2024
 Release:  Attachment: