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Creating and maintaining contract prolongation parameters


This document describes the steps to create new contract parameters. Function right 138 [System, Maintenance, Security, Function rights, Logistics] is responsible for the rights of maintaining the ratings. This function right is linked to the role 'Controller'. Users with this role are able to create and maintain the contract prolongation parameter.



Using the contracts prolongation companies are able to invoice customers based on the products they bought as well to prolong the existing contract for a fixed period. Before the prolongation can be started contract parameters should be defined. The parameters can be defined per division in [CRM, Maintenance, Rating: Rule, Customer\ Reseller]. For one division the contracts should be prolonged every year while in the other division the prolongation should be run every month or perhaps every three months. During the prolongation run the contracts prolongation date will be set on a new date according to the settings in the prolongation parameters. Other settings are used to determine the new contract price.




A prolongation setting is done per division. Each prolongation setting will be entered for a specific division that must be selected here.


Valid from

A prolongation setting is active as of a specific date. Normally a prolongation is defined by division and never changes in future. However a new prolongation for the same division is defined when in example a new index or when a completely new calculation is used. This new prolongation settings will be valid for all contracts with a prolongation date that is more recent than the date defined in the field 'Valid from'.  The old contract parameters will not be used anymore unless a prolongation must be performed  for contracts with a prolongation date that is less recent than the last created contract parameter definition.


Invoice code

In this field an invoice code can be defined. Any number can be used. When running the prolongation an xml file will be created that contains the contract prolongation information including the invoice code. During the upload of the xml file in the back office invoices with this invoice code are created.

For every prolongation parameter definition a new invoice code can be defined although using the same code everytime is allowed. However using the same code will not improve the recognize ability of the invoices in the back office.





The invoice drop down box shows three accounts. When one of three is selected the invoices will be sent to this selected account.





The currency field shows two options. Invoices can be calculated based on the currency of the division or based on the currency choosen in the contract.



First thing to be set is how the calculation of prices is being done.




There are a few options to choose from:

  1. Current contract value
    Invoices will be based on the prices currently stored in the contract (no changes).
  2. Current list price
    Invoices will be based on the prices stored in the actual list price. List price is created in the items. In the consolidated scenario a different price can be defined for each country. Based on the landcode in the customer card the prolongation will select the correct sales price. In case the sales price of country is not defined in the item the price of the world item will be used. The prices stored in the contract will be updated with the ones being used for invoicing. In the integrated scenario a similar process is used to determine the correct sales price however in this scenario the sales prices are based on the price list.  
  3. Indexed on current contract value
    Invoices will be based on the prices currently stored in the contract plus the index entered in the settings.
  4. Indexed on current contract value (max. current list price)
    Same as the one before, but with the exception that the price being invoiced will not be more than the current list price.
  5. Indexed on current contract value (max. current list price unless zero)
    Same as the one before, but with the exception that the price being invoiced will not be more than the current list price unless the item added in the contract has the price '0'. In this case the price will be the same as in the list price.



The contract can be prolonged every day, months or years.


The entered number defines for how long the prolongation is done. If e.g. the 'frequency' is set on 'months' and the 'period' set on '12', it means that a contract is prolonged for 12 months. If the 'frequency' is set on 'year' and the 'period' set on '6' the contract is prolonged for 6 years.

Price index

Here you enter the index used for the prolongation. Only used when prolongation is done with the calculation of an index.

Advance invoicing (month)

Here you can specify the number of months in advance you wish to do the invoicing of the contract.

Document type

In order to export the invoice lines in a specific file format, one can choose between CSV (comma separated) or XML. The CSV file is used for back offices working with Exact (Globe) for Windows version 3. The file can be imported directly within this back office environment. The XML import is made for Globe2000.


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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 03.515.736
 Assortment:  Date: 08-06-2018
 Release:  Attachment: