Viewing person account cards
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Modules ? Customers ? Reports ? Accounts ? Search
With the implementation of the Person (or Natural Person) feature from product update 250 onwards, Exact Synergy Enterprise supports registration of people in Exact Synergy Enterprise where the people can be grouped into two basic account types: a person account (prospect, customer, or supplier) and a contact person of a company account that you are doing business with. Apart from being able to create an account based on a company and an account based on a person in Exact Synergy Enterprise, you can leverage on the CRM information through the contact person of company-based accounts to provide you insights to the people who are involved in the businesses.
To view person accounts and contacts, the Activate: Persons check box under the Persons section on the Accounts: Settings page has to be selected. For more information, see Defining account settings.
Roles and rights
- To view inactive customer accounts, function right 289 — View inactive customer accounts is required. By default, users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
- To edit account types except for reseller and customer accounts, function right 291 — Allows to edit account type, except reseller and customer is required. By default, users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
- To edit the status of customer accounts, function right 292 — Allows to edit status of customer account is required. By default, users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
- To edit the status of accounts except for customer and reseller accounts, function right 294 — Allows to edit status of account, except customer and reseller is required. By default, users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
- To display account types, function right 430 — Maintain CRM account type field visibility is required. By default, users with the Administrator role have this function right.
- To customize account cards, function right 498 — Allows to update the company wide account card customization is required. By default, users with the Administrator role have this function right.
- To view, create, and modify database hosting of accounts, function right 344 — Maintain database hosting settings is required. By default, users with the Administrator role have this function right.
- To view and modify the background rating application, function right 337 — Allows to execute background rating application is required. By default, users with the Customer manager or Administrator role have this function right.
- To delete accounts, function right 355 — Allows to delete accounts is required. By default, users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
- For more details on function rights, go to Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Function rights.
- For more details on roles, go to Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Roles.
What version are you using?
The information in this document is applicable to product update 261 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
How do I view person account cards?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Close to exit.
How do I edit person account cards?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Edit. For more information on editing person account cards, see Creating and modifying person accounts.
Keep in mind: When certain flexible fields, such as e-mail, mobile, phone, and fax are edited on a person account card that is linked to any person accounts and contacts, a message will be displayed requiring you to update the same fields on all the person accounts and contacts linked to the person account. Select Yes to proceed with updating the same fields on all the person accounts and contacts linked to the person account, or No to abort the operation.
How do I change the code of the accounts?
- On the Accounts: Search page, define the search criteria.
- Click Show.
- Select the account to be recoded under the Account name column.
- Click Actions. For more information, see Selecting the action to be performed on accounts.
How do I merge accounts?
- On the Accounts: Search page, define the search criteria.
- Click Show.
- Select the account to be merged under the Account name column.
- Click Actions. For more information, see Selecting the action to be performed on accounts.
How do I create e-mails?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Create email. For more information, see Creating e-mails with Word Merge on single processes.
Keep in mind:
- For more information on sending e-mails on bulk processes, see Creating e-mails with Word Merge on bulk processes.
- The Create email button is available only if the New Word Merge check box under the Word Merge section on the Document: Settings page is selected. For more information, see Setting up documents. This setting is available only for existing users moving to product update 250. From product update 250 onwards, by default, the Create email button will be displayed.
How do I create letters?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Create letter. For more information, see Creating letters with Word Merge on single processes.
Keep in mind:
- For more information on creating letters on bulk processes, see Creating letters with Word Merge on bulk processes.
- The Create letter button is available only if the New Word Merge check box under the Word Merge section on the Document: Settings page is selected. For more information, see Setting up documents. This setting is available only for existing users moving to product update 250. From product update 250 onwards, by default, the Create letter button will be displayed.
How do I create a mail merge?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Mail merge. For more information, see Creating mail merge for multiple recipients.
Keep in mind: The Mail merge button is available only if the New Word Merge check box under the Word Merge section on the Documents: Settings page is not selected. For more information, see Setting up documents. This setting is available only for existing users moving to product update 250.
How do I add contact persons to person accounts?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Add in the Links section.
- Select Add contact person to an account.
- Under the Account section at Account, select the required account to which you want to link the contact person.
- Under the Copy section, select the check boxes next to the required details to be copied, such as e-mail, mobile, phone, and fax.
- Click Confirm.
- Define the required fields. By default, certain fields are prefilled with the values copied from the previous step. However, these fields can be edited. For more information, see Creating and modifying contacts and Viewing contact cards.
- Click Save, and then Close to exit.
Keep in mind:
- All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.
- For more information on linking two contact persons with different information but they are, in fact, the same person, see Viewing contact cards.
How do I register person accounts as prospect, customer, or supplier person accounts?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Add in the Links section.
- Select Register as a prospect to create a prospect person account or Register as a customer to create a customer person account or Register as a supplier to create a supplier person account. The availability of these options varies, depending on the existing type of person account which is linked to the selected person account. For example, a customer person account cannot be registered as a prospect person account.
- Under the Copy section, select the check boxes next to the required details to be copied, such as e-mail, mobile, phone, and fax.
- Under the Persons section, select the check box next to the required person account to be linked to the selected person account. This section is only available if you are registering two person accounts with different information but they are, in fact, the same person, as prospect, customer, or supplier person accounts.
- Click Confirm.
- Define the required fields. By default, certain fields are prefilled with the values copied from the previous step or may contain predefined. However, these fields can be edited. For more information, see Creating and modifying person accounts.
- Click Save, and then Close to exit.
Keep in mind: If you are linking two existing person accounts with different information but they are, in fact, the same person, once you click Confirm (as described in Step 8), the system will check both person accounts to synchronize details in certain fixed fields which may contain predefined values, such as title, name (combination of first name, middle name, and last name), initials, suffix, language, and address. A pop-up message will be displayed requiring you to select the details from these fixed fields of the selected person account to be copied from, to replace the ones for the existing person account which may contain predefined values. Once merged, the selected fixed fields in this pop-up message will be replaced with the ones copied from the selected contact person. Select the required details to be replaced, and then click OK. Steps 9 and 10 above will be skipped. The merged details will
be displayed on person account card and all person accounts and contacts linked to the contact person.
How do I remove the linked accounts from person accounts?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the required search criteria and click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Edit, and then click Unlink.
How do I add social media to person accounts?
- Under the General section, select the Person check box at Account: Type.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Click the required person account hyperlink in the Account name column.
- Click Add under the External References section.
- Select the type of social medium to be added at Type.
- Type the web site address used in the respective social media of the contact person at Link, for example, “”.
- Click Save, and then Close to exit.
Click this to exit.
Click this to edit the details of the person account.
Click this to change the code of the account or merge the account. For more information, see Selecting the action to be performed on accounts.
Mail merge
Click this to send multiple e-mails to multiple accounts using the same template. For more information on mail merge, see Creating mail merge for multiple recipients.
Note: This is available only if the New Word Merge check box under the Word Merge section on the Documents: Settings page is not selected. For more information, see Setting up documents. This setting is available only for existing users moving to product update 250.
Create letter
Click this to create a letter for the account. For more information, see Creating letters with Word Merge on single processes and Creating letters with Word Merge on bulk processes.
Note: This is available only if the New Word Merge check box under the Word Merge section on the Document: Settings page is selected. For more information, see Setting up documents. This setting is available only for existing users moving to product update 250. From product update 250 onwards, by default, this button will be displayed.
Create email
Click this to create an e-mail for the account. For more information, Creating e-mails with Word Merge on single processes and Creating e-mails with Word Merge on bulk processes.
Note: This is available only if the New Word Merge check box under the Word Merge section on the Document: Settings page is selected. For more information, see Setting up documents. This setting is available only for existing users moving to product update 250. From product update 250 onwards, by default, this button will be displayed.
Customise at the title bar to customize the fields or sections. You can display or hide fields and sections by selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes. In the Columns section, select the number of columns you want to arrange your sections in. You can also drag-and-drop the sections and fields to arrange them in the order and format you want. Click Save to save the settings, Reset to reset your selections to the default setting, or Close to exit without saving. Click Advanced for further customization of the person card. Take note of the following fields, sections, and/or columns:
Buttons section
This section allows you to display or hide the buttons. For example, if you do not want the Edit button to be displayed, clear the Edit check box.
Requests section
This section allows you to display information on requests related to the person account. To view the request in detail, click the request number link. You can create requests by clicking Workflow under the Monitor section. For more information on how to create requests, see Creating and modifying requests.
Requests: Graph section
This section allows you to display a graph and the number of requests created for the person account. The graph is based on the month the requests were created. For example, if 10 requests were created for the account in January 2007, the graph will display “Jan” and “(10)”. To view the requests created during the month, click the relevant link of the number. For example, click (1) on the page to view the requests created during the month of December.
Requests: Reports section
This section allows you to display the overview of requests created for the person account. Information such as the type of request, total number of requests created for the request type, and the total number of hours taken to process the request type are displayed. To view the report, click the link. For more information on quality analysis report, see Overview of quality analysis.
Free fields section
This section allows you to display or hide additional information of the person account.
Links section
This section allows you to display or hide the links in the person account card. For example, if you do not want the Map link to be displayed, clear the Map check box.
Relations section
This section allows you to display the status of the person account, source, rating, and security level for access to the information of this person account.
Activity section
This section allows you to display person account activities where you can view the past activities by clicking Read – Recent. For more information, see Activity history report. You can also view the applications that are being assessed and those that have been assessed by clicking Log: Application. For more information, see Application log report.
Database section
This section allows you to display information on the database settings related to the person account.
Divisions section
This section is available only if you have selected the Accounts check box at Modules ? System ? Setup ? Central Master Data Management ? Settings.
A green check mark is displayed if the division of the account is the main division.
Click this to create a debtor or creditor code for the account. For more information on debtor codes, see Creating and modifying debtor codes for Central Master Data Management. For more information on creditor codes, see Creating and modifying creditor codes for Central Master Data Management.
Note: For the prospect person account type, this button is available only if a debtor or creditor has been defined for the account, and you have function right 564 – Maintain Div. debtor and function right 565 – Maintain Div. creditor.
New: Debtor code
Click this to create a debtor code for the person account. For more information on debtor codes, see Creating and modifying debtor codes for Central Master Data Management.
Note: For the prospect person account type, this button is available only if the debtor or creditor has not been defined for the person account, and you have function right 564 – Maintain Div. debtor.
New: Creditor code
Click this to create a creditor code for the person account. For more information on creditor codes, see Creating and modifying creditor codes for Central Master Data Management.
Note: For the prospect person account type, this button is available only if the debtor or creditor has not been defined for the person account, and you have function right 565 – Maintain Div. creditor.
Mandatory column
This column is available once the Advanced button is clicked. Select the check boxes in this column to make the fields mandatory. For example, select the Code check box if you want the account code to be mandatory. Otherwise, the account cannot be saved.
Mode column
This column is available once the Advanced button is clicked. Select Show to display the fields, Hidden to hide the fields, or Edit to allow amendments to be made to the fields.
Function rights column
This column is available once the Advanced button is clicked. You can select function rights for the fields. Function rights are created at Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Function rights. For more information, see Overview of function rights.
General section
This section displays the details of the person account, such as the person account name, address, phone, mobile, and other details. For more information, see Creating and modifying person accounts.
Marketing section
This section displays the general information of the person account, such as the code, status, type, classification, rating, and many more.
Financial section
Depending on the type of person account, you may see different fields under this section, such as bank account, division, debtor code, and creditor code.
Divisions section
This section displays the code and name of the divisions of the person account. You can view the information of the division by clicking the hyperlink. You can also create, add, or modify the codes for the division. For more information on debtor codes, see Creating and modifying debtor codes. For more information on creditor codes, see Creating and modifying creditor codes.
Picture section
This section displays the picture of the person account. You can upload the picture file by clicking Edit. For more information, see Creating and modifying person accounts.
Monitor section
The hyperlinks in this section may be displayed or hidden depending on your customization. Also, when viewing person account cards, the header of this section is not displayed. The header will be displayed when you are customizing the cards.
Click this to view the list of requests for the person account. You can also create and modify the requests. For more information, see Overview of workflow and requests.
Click this to view the list of documents attached to the person account. You can also create and modify the documents. For more information, see Viewing recent documents.
Click this to view the list of accounts receivable or accounts payable for the person account. For more information on accounts receivable, see Displaying accounts receivable. For more information on accounts payable, see Displaying accounts payable.
Note: If the selected person account is a customer, all the accounts receivable for the person account will be displayed. If the person account is a supplier, all the accounts payable for the person account will be displayed.
Sales orders
Click this to view all sales orders created in Exact Globe Next that are linked to this person account. For more information, see Overview of back office sales order reports.
Note: This is available only if the person account type is Customer.
Click this to view all quotations linked to this person account. For more information, see Overview of quotations.
Click this to view the past and current job experiences of the person account.
Personal data
Click this to view a list of personal data classifications that are linked to this account. For more information, see Viewing personal data classifications linked to an employee, account, or contact person.
Links section
This section displays all accounts and contacts linked to this person account.
Remarks section
This section displays comments about the person account. You can change the remarks while in the edit mode.
External References section
This section displays all the social media and other external references linked to this person account. You can also create and modify the social medial linked to this person account, such as Blogger, E-mail, Facebook, GTalk, LinkedIn, MSN, Office communicator, Skype, Twitter, and others.
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Document ID: |
23.805.776 |
Assortment: |
Exact Synergy Enterprise
Date: |
18-10-2018 |
Release: |
250 |
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