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Overview of cash flow entries to be matched

Menu path

Cash flow ➔ Entries ➔ To be matched


This overview allows you to display matched or unmatched cash flow entries by using the available search criteria. You can edit the bank statements in order to match them with the correct invoice(s).


In the Cash flow Entries To be matched screen, the total amount of incoming and outgoing cash flow is displayed right after the listings. In addition, the balance of your bank statements and the number of lines resulting in this balance are displayed. This information is always displayed in the default currency of the administration.


Type or select the date or date range to display the bank statements created within the specified date or date range. Select the All check box to display the bank statements created in any dates. The default date is the current date.


Select the Unmatched check box to display all bank statements that have not been matched and/or select the Matched check box to display all matched bank statements.


Select Transactions to display transactions pertaining to the bank statement or Statements to display the bank statements.

Note: When you select Statements, transactions are grouped by statement number per cash instrument. Once you select Statements, the Opening balance/Closing balance check box is available. Select this check box to display the opening and closing statement balance columns in listing.

Own bank account

Type or select a bank account from the available options that you have created in the cash instruments maintenance screen at Cash flow ➔ Cash instruments ➔ Maintain. The listing will display a specific bank account when selected. For more information, see Creating and maintaining cash instruments.


Select one of the following statement types to display transactions relating to that statement:

  • All
  • Bank statement
  • Cash
  • Credit card
  • Office


Type or select the statement number for the bank account.

From/to bank account

Type a debtor bank account which the cash flow is matched from or type a creditor bank account which the cash flow is matched to. When a partial bank account number is typed, the system does a search and displays all bank accounts that contain the partial bank account number.

Pay. ref.

Type the payment reference number of a bank statement. When a partial payment reference is typed, the system does a search and displays all payment references that contain the partial payment reference typed.


Type or select the required account to display entries for a specific debtor or creditor.

Note: A general overview of the displayed results is shown at the bottom of the screen. Lines (All) displays the total number of transactions, Lines (Open) displays transactions that have yet to be allocated or matched, In displays the total amount of cash in, Out displays the total amount of cash out, and Balance displays the difference between In and Out.



Click this to display the statements based on the defined criteria.


Click this to match the cash flow entry to the invoice(s). The Matching screen will be displayed if allocation of debtor/creditor has already been done. For more information, see Matching payments or receipts to invoices.  However, if allocation has not been completed, the Allocate screen will be displayed instead. For more information, see Searching for invoices.


Click this to view the entries of the selected statement.

Note: This button is enabled only when you select Statements under View. The button changes to Back when you zoom to the specific statement.


Click this to delete the selected statement or transaction.


Click this to modify the selected cash flow entry. You can also fill in additional information, or unallocate or unmatch the payments/receipts, etc. For more information, see Entering payments and receipts.


Click this to exit.

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 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 13.731.548
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release: 390  Attachment:

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