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E-WMS ASP error "Fatal server exception 500 Internal Server error" crashes IIS client session


When starting E-WMS WMSclient, following error occurs:
        Fatal server exception
        The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal server error


When starting IE to get more detailed error information, following page shows:


Server Error in '/wms' Application.
Version mismatch: E-WMS ASP / E-WMS Globe
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.ApplicationException: Version mismatch: E-WMS ASP / E-WMS Globe



The actual error in this case is 'Version mismatch: E-WMS ASP/E-WMS Globe', but also other functional errors may apply. The problem is however that this (functional) error should not have resulted in crashing the IIS session with a 'server error', but instead in showing this error screen:



Cause and solution

In release 410 or earlier, this behaviour can be caused by an incorrect value for the setting 'Managed pipeline mode' in the application pool used for the E-WMS web site:


Change 'Managed pipeline mode' from 'Integrated' to 'Classic'.

Please note that from release 411 this settings needs to be configured to 'Integrated'.


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