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Product Update 391: Revaluation Method per Invoice Group (Hong Kong Legislation)


Revaluation per invoice group is used so that you can perform a revaluation that does not change existing invoices and the invoices remain at the original exchange rate. The revaluation is done per debtor or creditor general ledger (G/L) per currency per account and not invoice by invoice.

Menu path

  • Finance/Accounts receivable/Cards
  • Finance/Accounts payable/Cards
  • Finance/Accounts receivable/Receivables/Aging analysis
  • Finance/Accounts payable/Payables/Aging analysis
  • Finance/General ledger/Select/Search
  • Finance/General ledger/Analytical accounting

What has been changed

The Revaluation Invoice by Group functionality is now available for the Hong Kong legislation. For more information, see Release 380: New Revaluation Method per Invoice Group.  

Related document



 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.069.380
 Assortment:  Date: 10-05-2017
 Release: 391  Attachment: