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Product Update 402: New Vietnamese Accounting Standards (VAS) reporting features added (Vietnamese legislation)

To comply with legal requirements, several financial reports are added for users to submit to the local authorities. All reports will be generated in Microsoft Excel. Both the English and Vietnamese languages are supported. The language displayed will be based on the selection at User settings and by default, English is used.

The following menu paths are newly added under the Reports menu for the respective modules:

Finance module

Balance sheet and Profit & Loss statement

There are English and Vietnamese report versions. Each general ledger needs to reflect to a specific internal code, which is relevant for the representation of the general ledger results in the balance sheet and profit & loss statement. Users can manually adjust the value at the general ledger maintenance page.

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports à COA Regulation List.

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports à Financial statement.

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports à GL card with offset GL.

For GL card with offset GL, there are a number of versions introduced for the same report. You can generate your reports by selecting the brief/detailed English version for foreign/default currency or the brief/detailed Vietnamese version for foreign/default currency.  

Sales Journal Voucher

The report will consist of financial transactions entered into a sales journal within a certain period. 

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports à Sales Journal Voucher.

Cash Journal Voucher

The report will consist of financial transactions entered into a cash journal within a certain period.

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports à Cash Journal Voucher.

Bank Journal Voucher

The report will consist of financial transactions entered into a bank journal within a certain period. 

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports à Bank Journal Voucher.

Purchase Journal Voucher

The report will consist of financial transactions entered into a purchase journal within a certain period.

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports à Purchase Journal Voucher.

General Journal Voucher

The report will consist of financial transactions entered into a general journal within a certain period. 

  • Finance à Reports à VAS Reports à General Journal Voucher.

VAT to pay

There are two types of reports, VAT to pay in foreign currency and VAT to pay in default currency.

VAT to claim

There are two types of reports, VAT to claim in foreign currency and VAT to claim in default currency. 

  • Finance à VAT/Statistics à VAS Reports à VAT added tax.

Cash flow module

Cash flow statement

The report will include both direct and indirect methods of the cash flow statement. 

  • Cash flow à Reports à VAS Reports à Cash flow statement.

Receipt voucher

The Microsoft Excel file has four worksheets with different receipt voucher formats. The format of the receipt voucher depends on the receipt specifications. Users will not be printing different forms of the Receipt voucher for the same receipt. Therefore, four different reports are created to allow each of the vouchers to be printed based on the defined criteria.

Payment voucher 

The Microsoft Excel file has four worksheets with different payment voucher formats. The format of the payment voucher depends on the payment specifications. Users will not be printing different forms of the Payment voucher for the same payment. Therefore, four different reports are created to allow each of the vouchers to be printed based on the defined criteria.

  • Cash flow à Reports à VAS Reports à Vouchers.

Inventory module

Stock Movements
  • Inventory à Reports à VAS Reports à Stock movements.

Note: All reports are built based on the standard Excel Add-in functionality.  





 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 22.252.076
 Assortment:  Date: 10-05-2017
 Release: 402  Attachment: