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Exact Synergy   

Setting up items for contracts use.



Contracts are created based on items in e-Synergy. These items needs to be defined first because only when they have the proper settings the items can be selected when contracts are created.

Roles and Function Rights



Function right 34 and 347 [System, Maintenance, Security, Function rights, Logistics] are responsible for the rights of creating and maintaining items. This function right is by default linked to the role 'Item management'. Users with this role are able to create and maintain the items.




The following conditions should be met when creating items to be used for contracts.


Sales items


Section 'Attributes'

In order to select a sales item in the contract the attribute 'Sales' should be marked.

Section 'Type'



You can select one of the diffent type. Creating a contract with sales items each of the types can be selected except for 'Contract'. The 'Contract' type is used to create a contract with service items. More detailed information about the use of the item types can be found in document 'On line help file: Creating an new item'


Service items


Section 'Attributes'

In order to select a service item in the contract the attribute 'Sales' should be marked. In combination of item type 'Contract' a service items is created.

Section 'Type'



Select type 'Contract' in order to create a service item. If you select an other type different than 'Contract' the item will only selectable as a sales contract item in the contract. More detailed information about the use of the item types can be found in document 'On line help file: Creating an new item'


Policy items



Section 'Attributes'

To define a policy item the option 'Policy' in the 'Attributes' section should be marked.


Section 'Type'

The type can be set on 'Standard'


Other settings for sales, service and policies items



Active from

Online document 'On line help file: Creating an new item'. In case a future date is set the item is not selectable when creating a contract.

Active to

Online document 'On line help file: Creating an new item'. In case an active date is set the item is not selectable when the current date has passed the active date of the item and therefor it can no longer be selected any more when creating a contract.

Security level

Online document 'On line help file: Creating an new item'.


Related Topics






 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 06.691.709
 Assortment:  Date: 08-06-2018
 Release:  Attachment: