Every administration contains debtors and creditors. Every debtor/creditor has cards that contain all the transactions that have taken place. The number of cards can become quite large. To make it easier to retrieve transactions, edit the cards, or to print overviews, you can define the criteria which make it possible to retrieve the data easily.
The information in this document is based on product update 399. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Click this to search for entries based on the defined criteria.
Click this to clear the defined criteria.
Type the number of rows to be displayed for each page. If you have set the default number of rows as 10, then 10 rows will be displayed. Therefore, if you have more than 10 rows listed, you will see the Previous and Next buttons.
Click this to return to the previous page.
Click this to go to the next page.
Select the required option to filter the search that starts with or contains a certain letter or word. .
Type the creditor code to view the card for accounts payable. If you want to view the card for accounts receivable, type the debtor code.
Type the name of the creditor/debtor for whom you want the card data displayed.
Type the address of the creditor/debtor for whom you want the card data displayed.
Type the city name of the creditor/debtor for whom you want the card data displayed.
Type the country code of the creditor/debtor for whom you want the card data displayed.
Type the bank account number of the creditor/debtor for whom you want the card data displayed.
Select Date, Reporting date, Period or Fulfilment date. Your selection here will determine the options displayed below.
Select a date/reporting date or a range of dates/reporting dates to display accounts for that specific date/reporting date or accounts that fall within the date/reporting date range. Alternatively, select All to display accounts for all dates/reporting dates. This is displayed if Date or Reporting date is selected at Range.
Select the check boxes to display the card data of debtors/creditors with the corresponding statutes. You can choose from Active, Blocked, Inactive, Not validated, Pilot, Reference or Passive. You can select more than one.
Click this to generate a graph in Microsoft Excel with the invoice totals per debtor/creditor and various grouping options.
Click this to print the selected debtor/creditor card.
Click this to display the selected debtor/creditor card.
Click this to exit.