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Product Updates 408, 407, and 406: SDD mandate extended to Automatic collection, Cheque, and Letter of credit payment methods (Spanish legislation)

Previously, you could generate SDD files for transactions with payment conditions tied to the Collection payment method only. In this product update, the same feature has been extended to transactions with payment conditions predefined for the Automatic collection, Cheque, and Letter of credit types of payment methods. With this enhancement, you will be able to generate SDD export files on deposits for the Collection, Automatic collection, Cheque, and Letter of credit types of payment methods.

SDD mandates maintenance screen adjusted

The Payment conditions browser in the SDD mandates maintenance screen (via Cash flow à Collections à SDD mandates) will list all payment terms or conditions by the Collection, Automatic collection, Cheque, and Letter of credit methods of payments, which you can define for the SDD mandates for your debtors. In the past product updates, the browser displayed payment terms by Collection only.

For more information on payment conditions, see Creating and maintaining payment conditions.

Sales invoice screen adjusted

The SDD Mandate field will be enabled in the Sales invoice screen only if you have selected Collection, Automatic collection, Cheque, or Letter of credit at Method, and the currency “EUR” is selected, as shown in the following:

With these amendments, when creating invoice terms, you will be able to define the SDD mandate according to the Collection, Automatic collection, Cheque, or Letter of credit type of payment method selected for the invoice term.

Changes in the Deposit functionality

In the Bill settlement: Cash instrument screen, the Export format displays different options based on the type of cash instrument you have selected at Cash instrument, as shown in the following:

Type of cash instrument selected at Cash instrument




Term currency

EUR or Foreign currencies

Single foreign currency,

Multiple currencies

EUR only

Available options displayed at Export format

Collection Norma 19,

Collection Norma 58

Collection Norma 19,

Collection Norma 58

Collection Norma 19,

Collection Norma 58,

SEPA direct debit

Hence, when the SDD type of cash instrument is selected, you will be able to generate the SDD export format by selecting the SEPA direct debit option at Export format. Note that the Export format field is enabled only if the Export: Summary check box under the Additional criteria section is selected in the previous screen, as shown in the following example of the Deposit: Automatic collection screen.

Also, the value at the Maturity date field in the Deposit screen is used as the requested collection date in the SDD file. This value will be used to update the information at Last SDD date in the SDD mandates maintenance screen.

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 25.863.579
 Assortment:  Date: 10-05-2017
 Release: 406  Attachment: