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Product Update 394: Enhanced Logic for Handling Reconciliation of Cash Flow Entries (New Zealand Legislation)


You can record payments and receipts at the cash flow and bank/cash journal entries. Once recorded, you can reconcile the entries or statements with the physical or imported electronic bank statements. The reconciliation process will take place only when the statement date and statement number are available. When performing reconciliation, it is important to differentiate the entries and reporting dates of the entries as well as the reconciliation statement dates.

In order to ensure that reconciliations are performed at the right time while ensuring that the correct information is captured during the process, the logic for the cash flow reconciliation process has been enhanced.

Menu path

  • Finance/Entries/Bank/Cash 
  • Cash flow/Entries/Cash flow
  • Cash flow/Entries/Import
  • Cash flow/Entries/Bank reconciliation/Manual

What has been changed

The following changes are implemented for New Zealand legislation.

  • The Statement number field in the bank/cash journal entry functionality is renamed to Entry number to differentiate the entry number with the statement number of the corresponding reconciliation statement.
  • The Reporting date field is added to the cash flow entry functionality to allow the reporting date of the entry to be captured correctly.

For more details, see Release 380: Functional Logic Change in Handling of Reporting Date in Cash Flow Entry.

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 19.005.231
 Assortment:  Date: 10-05-2017
 Release: 394  Attachment: