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EN Standardarbeitsplan anlegen und verwalten

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It is possible to create and maintain the default work schedule by going to System/General/Countries/Schedules. With this function, you can create a standard work schedule for all your employees. A work schedule defines the working hours of employees and it can be used for tasks, absence, production, and other business planning.


Hours per day

Type the total working hours of a day.


Type the start work time in the first column. Type the end time for the first half of the day in the second column. The difference between the second column and the third column reflects the lunch or break time. In this example, the lunch or break time is 30 minutes.

Type the start and end time for the second half of the day in the third and fourth columns respectively. You do not need to type the time for non-working days. In this example, Saturday and Sunday are non-working days. 

Total hours

The total working hours per week is displayed. The number of total hours is automatically calculated based on the time you filled in for every working day.



Click this to save the work schedule or the changes made to the work schedule.


Click this to exit.

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 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 21.523.939
 Assortment:  Date: 04-04-2011
 Release:  Attachment:

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