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Overview of project planning via drag-and-drop planning board

Menu paths

  • Projects à Reports à Search à Projects
  • Click Search: Projects next to Projects on the left menu.


This page allows you to view information on the project and the project members, and indicates the planning period in accordance with the start and end dates of the project. The date range can be adjusted although it will be set to the current month by default.

You will also be able to create, edit, and delete requests from within the planning board, search for employees to be added as project members to a selected project, and plan the hours for multiple or recurring days for project members. It is quite often that you need to assign one employee or more to a project and you need to check several different planning to see who is available. Professional services automation (PSA) uses selection options to show the capacity of all employees in one overview.

Note: There are two planning boards available for usage. The drag-and-drop planning board has been introduced in product update 250. To use this planning board, select the Use drag-and-drop planning check box under the General section of the project card. If this check box is not selected, the old planning board will be used.

Roles and rights

To view the Project planning page, function right 889 - Plan hours & expenses is required. Users with the Project administration, Hour planning, or Project planner role have this function right.


  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 251.

How do I view the project planning page of a project?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project card, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.

How do I search for people for a project?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project page, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.
  5. On the Project planning page, define the relevant criteria in the People search section.
  6. Click Refresh to display the person that meets the defined criteria in the planning board.

Keep in mind: You may add the person into the project by clicking the icon or remove that person from the planning board by clicking the icon.

How do I plan the hours for recurring days for a project member?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project page, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.
  5. On the Project planning page, in the planning board, select the check box on an individual cell.
  6. Click Plan recurring.
  7. On the Plan recurring page, fill in the required information, and then click Submit. For more information, see Planning recurring days.

Keep in mind:

  • All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.
  • The person selected on the Project planning page will be reflected at the Person field on the Plan recurring page.
  • If you have selected more than one date on the Project planning page, the start and end dates on the Plan recurring page will be pre-filled with the first date and last date respectively from the selected days.
  • If you have selected the days (by selecting the check boxes) on the Project planning page, the check boxes for the same days under the Days section on the Plan recurring page will be selected as well.

How do I create Hour planning & realization requests?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project page, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.
  5. On the Project planning page, in the planning board, select the check box on an individual cell.
  6. Click Plan day.
  7. Fill in the required information, and then click Submit. For more information, see Creating and modifying requests.

Keep in mind:

  • All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.
  • If you have selected more than one check box at step 5, individual Hour planning & realization request will be created for each person. The number of requests to be created corresponds to the number of rows displayed at the bottom of the PSA-Hour planning & realization - New request.

How do I create Hour planning & realization requests (applicable to drag-and-drop from WBS line section)?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project page, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.
  5. On the Project planning page, select Week at the drop-down menu under the Planning period field.
  6. From the WBS lines section, select the respective WBS line to drag and drop the particular WBS line onto a person on the project planner.
  7. If a person is available and it is possible to create a request for that person, the background of that person will turn green once the WBS line is dragged and dropped onto the planner and subsequently, the Plan day / timeframe pop-up will be displayed.
  8. Define the fields in the Plan day / timeframe pop-up that is displayed.
  9. Click OK.

Keep in mind:

  • If the End date / time field is defined, a Capacity planning & realization (CPR) request, for either one day or more, will be created instead.
  • If an Hour planning & realization (HPR) request that is created contains mandatory fields besides the ones displayed in the Plan day / timeframe pop-up, a warning message stating the other mandatory fields will be displayed. Click OK to open the HPR request and to define the other mandatory fields.
  • The WBS line can be dragged and dropped only if the item of that WBS line is used in both the Personal and Project items, and only if you have the Project manager role.

How do I create Capacity planning & realization requests?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project page, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.
  5. On the Project planning page, in the planning board, select the check box on an individual cell.
  6. Click Plan timeframe.
  7. On the Plan timeframe page, fill in the required information, and then click Submit. For more information, see Planning timeframes.

Keep in mind:

  • All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.
  • The project and person selected on the Project planning page will be reflected at the Project and Person fields respectively on the Plan recurring page. If you have selected more than one person, the first selected person from the list will automatically be filled at the Person field.
  • If you have selected more than one date on the Project planning page, the start and end dates on the Plan timeframe page will be pre-filled with the first date and last date respectively from the selected days.

How do I create Capacity planning & realization requests (applicable to drag-and-drop from WBS line section)?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project page, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.
  5. On the Project planning page, select Week at the drop-down menu under the Planning period field.
  6. From the WBS lines section, select the respective WBS line to drag and drop the particular WBS line onto a person on the project planner.
  7. If a person is available and it is possible to create a request for that person, the background of that person will turn green once the WBS line is dragged and dropped onto the planner and subsequently, the Plan day / timeframe pop-up will be displayed.
  8. Define the fields in the Plan day / timeframe pop-up that is displayed.
  9. Click OK.

Keep in mind:

  • If the End date / time field is not defined, a HPR request will be created instead.
  • If a CPR request that is created contains mandatory fields besides the ones displayed in the Plan day / timeframe pop-up, a warning message stating the other mandatory fields will be displayed. Click OK to open the CPR request and to define the other mandatory fields.
  • The WBS line can be dragged and dropped only if the item of that WBS line is used in both the Personal and Project items, and only if you have the Project manager role.

How do I edit the details of requests in the planning board?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project page, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.
  5. On the Project planning page, in the planning board, mouse over the relevant cell containing the colored request box.
  6. Click the   icon to edit the request. For more information, see Creating and modifying requests.

How do I delete requests from the planning board?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlinked project code under the Project column.
  4. On the selected project page, under the Project monitor section and in the Execution column, click Planning.
  5. On the Project planning page, in the planning board, mouse over the relevant cell containing the colored request box.
  6. Click the  icon to delete the request. A pop-up window with the message "Are you sure you want to delete this request?" will be displayed. Click OK.



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