Manufacturing ➔ To be processed ➔ Calculate
You can calculate the total production order costs in this screen. It also allows you to compare the total production order costs with the sales price to obtain the profit margin for the manufactured item.
The information in this document is based on product update 405. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Click this to search for manufactured items based on the defined criteria.
Click this to clear the defined criteria.
Click this to return to the previous listing.
Click this to go to the next listing.
Type the number of rows to be displayed for each page. If you have set the default number of rows to 10, then 10 rows will be displayed. Therefore, if you have more than 10 rows listed, the Previous and Next buttons become available.
Select the required warehouse to display only the manufactured items that are linked to the warehouse. Otherwise, select All to display the manufactured items for all warehouses.
Click this button to view more criteria.
Select the assortment(s) to display the manufactured items linked to the selected assortment(s). The number of assortment fields displayed depends on the number of assortments defined at System à General à Settings, under Item data settings, or Inventory à Items à Assortments.
Select the Active, Blocked, Discontinued, Future, and/or Inactive check boxes to display the manufactured items with the selected statuses.
Select the Standard, Labor hour, Machine hour, Bulk issue, and/or Phantom to display the manufactured items belonging to the selected types.
Select the Sales, Stock, Buy, Part, Batch, and/or Serial check boxes to display the manufactured items belonging to the selected attributes. By default, the Make check box is selected and disabled.
Select starts with or contains to filter the manufactured items that start with or contain a certain letter or word respectively.
Type the item code to search for a specific manufactured item that starts with or contain certain letters, numbers, or words.
Type a full or partial description to search for the manufactured item(s) that starts with or contains this description.
Click this to select the cost price calculation scenario. After selecting the cost price calculation scenario, you can then proceed to generate the rolled up calculated cost price. For more information, see Calculation production order costs using Batch Updates.
Click this to calculate the total production cost prices and profit margin of the selected item. For more information, see Calculating production order costs of items.
Click this to exit.