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Points of interest when moving to another server: Globe, WMS, ICL, Bartender


Migrating databases or Globe to a new server may take some planning. Please consider the list below in your planning. Please note: this document does not pretend to be complete but is based on experiences so far.





  • scenario 1 - moving databases: detach databases from old server and move the files to the new server (prevent usage on old server)
  • scenario 2 - copying databases: back-up databases from old server and restore on new SQL server - prevent usage on old server
  • always prevent the old databases from being used by mistake. Disable security logins (like group 'Everyone') or leave the old databases detached
  • migrate SQL security users/groups, application roles (may be created by creating demo database on the new server)
  • migrate SQL jobs (these can be scripted, but don't forget to change the old server name to the new server name in those scripts)



  • if Globe network install moved to a new folder: perform new Globe workstation installation by starting wsetup.exe from the new share (in effect: the file c:\program files\exact software\bin\wupdate.ini should contain the correct path to the Globe network share).
  • Globe setting "Public report directory"
  • Globe settings for bank import/export folders
  • Any references to linked external documents within Item maintenance (tab "Docs"), CRM maintenance.
  • Any attachments which link as a shortcut to a mapped network drive or server share
  • Globe Office add-in settings



Intercompany Logistics, ICL or Central Warehouse

  • change all server and database configurations within Central Warehouse in Globe, see document Where should I enter credential information for Central Warehouse ?
  • change the ICL services CONFIG files
  • consider remote ICL 'partner' database (remote ICL database communicating with your database) - they also have to change the ICL configurations as mentioned above


WMS/Pick-IT specific

  • Change the WMS RF services CONFIG files
  • WMS 'non ASP' CAB with RF: change the server/database name in the hand terminal configuration file CONFIG.DAT, see document How do I access Pick-IT files on the terminal
  • WMS ASP: when you are also re-installing the IIS server - make screenshot of the current IIS configuration
  • WMS ASP: change the server/database name in the IIS configuration file 'Connections.config'
  • Prevent using the old database (if still online) by changing the password of the SQL user used for the terminal login or IIS login
  • WMS communication/archive folder settings in WMS General Settings



  • When re-installing the server or PC where the Seagull License Server (SLS) is running:
    deactivate the license on the old server using the Seagull (de)activation wizard, and have your product key ready for new installation of the Seagull License Server
  • When re-installing the SLS: all clients using Bartender need to connect to the changed server/SLS, this is an option in Bartender itself
  • Bartender labels in System/E-WMS/Labels
  • References to the SQL server/login within Bartender labels


Other specific products

  • Exact EDI has hard links to paths in Add-on/File information
  • "Rekening Courant" has links to other databases (Add-on menu, SQL: CSRcAccount.RCserver)
  • "Multi Financieel" has links to other databases (Add-on menu)
  • "E-SSCC" / Production Add-on has a link to a Bartender label

Other programs in general

  • Any external programs referring to the Globe databases: labels (Bartender), reporting tools, MS_Access
  • ODBC connections to the Globe databases
  • Excel reporting on Globe databases other than Excel Add-in
  • Microsoft Reporting Server
  • other reporting tools



 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: temporary  Document ID: 20.206.618
 Assortment:  Date: 03-05-2011
 Release:  Attachment:

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