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Printing and processing purchase orders and RTV orders


Upon authorizing the purchase order, the next step is to send the purchase order to the quoted supplier. Therefore, you must process and print the purchase order at Purchase ➔ Entries ➔ Print/Process, which is then sent to the supplier via hardcopy or e-mail.


You can filter the purchase orders that you want to display. To search for purchase orders, you define one or more of the following criteria and click Search. The purchase orders that match the search criteria you have defined are then displayed.


Click this to search for purchase order(s) or RTV order(s) based on the defined criteria.


Click this to clear the defined criteria.

Number of rows

Type the number of rows to be displayed for each page. If you have set the default number of rows to 50, then 50 rows will be displayed. If you have more than 50 rows, you will see the Previous and Next buttons.


Click this to return to the previous page of purchase order(s). You can also click Previous to display previous page of purchase order(s).


Click this to display the next page of purchase order(s).


Select the warehouse to display purchase order(s) that are linked to the warehouse. Select All to display purchase order(s) linked to any warehouse.

Note: This option is only available if E-Warehouse management is in the license.

Selection section

Select the following to display the respective purchase order(s) or RTV order(s) in the search results:

  • Purchase order
  • Purchase order date

    Type or select the date or date range the purchase order(s) are created. By default, the All check box is selected.

    Purchase order

    Type or select the purchase order that you want to display.


    Type or select the creditor to display purchase order(s) with the selected creditor


    Click Advanced to expand the search criteria. You will see Person, PO method, Description, and Selection code.

    Click Simple to hide the additional criteria.


    Type or select the person ID or name to display purchase order(s) that are created by the selected person.

    PO method

    Type or select the delivery method to display the purchase order(s) with the selected delivery method.


    Type a partial or full description to display the purchase order(s) that matches the entered description.

    Selection code

    Type or select the selection code to display purchase orders with the selected code.

  • RTV order
  • RTV order date

    Type or select the date or date range the RTV order(s) are created. By default, the All check box is selected.

    RTV order

    Type or select the RTV order that you want to display.


    Type or select the creditor to display RTV order(s) with the selected creditor.


    Click Advanced to expand the search criteria. You will see Person, RTV supplier, and Selection code.

    Click Simple to hide the additional criteria.


    Type or select the person ID or name to display RTV order(s) that are created by the selected person.

    RTV supplier

    Type the RTV supplier to display the RTV order(s) with the entered RTV supplier.

    Selection code

    Type or select the selection code to display RTV order(s) with the selected code.



Click this to add a new note or to view existing notes for the order. For more information, see Creating and maintaining notes.

Note: If a note is already linked to the purchase order(s) or RTV order(s), then a green check mark appears at the Notes column.


Click this to attach a new document or to view the documents that are attached to the order. For more information, see Overview of attached documents.

Note: If a document is already attached to the purchase order(s) or RTV order(s), then a green check mark appears at the Attachment column.


Click this to view the creditor’s financial card for the selected purchase order(s) or RTV order(s). The creditor’s financial card displays information such as the creditor’s invoices, payment, credit notes, and all related financial transactions. For more information, see Viewing creditor card.

Note: You can view more than one card by selecting the relevant purchase order or RTV order at a time. Hold down CTRL and click the order(s) that you want. Alternatively, hold down SHIFT and click to select all orders between the two selected ones.


Click this to change the fulfillment date of the purchase order(s). Select an item and then type or select a new date at Fulfillment date. Click Save to save the new date. The changed fulfillment date is automatically reflected in the purchase order entry. For more information, see Changing fulfillment and receiving date for orders.

Note: The Change button is available only if you have selected Purchase order at Selection.


Click this to view the changes that have been made to the orders. This button is only enabled if the logbook is checked under the Order settings at System ➔ General ➔ Settings.


Click this to print the selected order. You can print a trial or final copy of the order. The final copy of the order can be printed or sent as an e-mail to the supplier.

Note: You can select and print more than one purchase order or RTV order at a time. Hold down CTRL and click the order(s) that you want. Alternatively, hold down SHIFT and click to select all orders between the two selected ones.


Click this to view or edit the selected order.


Click this to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 12.016.846
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment:

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