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E-WMS scanner settings - Purchase Transactions

WMS documentation



This document describes the scanner settings for E-Mobile Sales, in menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, Purchase transaction settings. This document is based on the functionality as per product update 408, for E-WMS ASP.



Once scanner settings are defined, these need to be assigned to each device in menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, Scanners. You can use one general settings profile for all devices, or you can set up specific profiles per individual device. After selecting menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, Mobile Sales settings you can create a new profile by pressing New, or edit an existing profile by using Open. You can only delete profiles which are not linked to devices.

Unique code referring to this settings profile (12 characters).

Description of this settings profile (60 characters).

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Purchase order header data

Default supplier
You can configure a specific default supplier for all scanned items. You will have to make sure that the scanned items are also linked to this supplier, this is not validated on the scanner. Items not linked to this supplier will show on the error report when reading back and the scanned lines will be deleted when the same transaction also has items which could be read back. When the transaction only contained items that cannot be read back, then you can link these items to the supplier and start read back again.

Enter supplier
When enabled, you can enter or select (browse for) the supplier code on the scanner.
When disabled, you cannot enter a specific supplier on the scanner, but the 'default supplier' (see previous setting) is still applied, and shown on the scanner.
When disabled and the default supplier is empty, then on read back a purchase order will be created for the main supplier of the item. If you ordered multiple items for several suppliers (but did not scan a supplier) then only one purchase order is created per supplier, for all items orders for that supplier.

Validate supplier
Only applies when working with old 'CAB' Activesync client, and when validation of supplier master data would not be possible. In that case you can disable this validation and enter any supplier number, this will still be validated on read back.

Default warehouse
You can prefill a default warehouse code on the scanner. This would have to be combined with the next setting 'Change warehouse' configured to 'Default value' or to 'Never'.

Change warehouse
This setting determines if the scanner user is able to enter or change a warehouse code for the purchase order to be created. You have following choices:

  • Default value: prefill the 'warehouse code' scan field with the warehouse selected in previous setting 'Default warehouse' and allow to change it
  • Never: prefill the 'warehouse code' scan field with the warehouse selected in previous setting 'Default warehouse' but do not allow to change it (show only)
  • Empty: do not prefill the 'warehouse code' scan field and allow user input on the scanner

Default reference
You can enter a default reference to be used, this can be combined with next setting 'Enter reference'. This reference is used for the 'Description' field in the purchase order header data.

Enter reference
When enabled, the scanner user can change or enter the purchase order reference. The value from previous setting 'default reference' will be used to prefill the reference field on the scanner. When disabled, the reference is not visible and cannot be entered on the scanner. The value from 'Default reference' is automatically used in the purchase order.

Default selection code
You can configure a default selection code to be assigned to the new purchase order. You can select from the preconfigured Exact Globe Next selection codes.

Enter Selection code
When enabled, the scanner user can enter or select (browse) one of the existing selection codes. The selection code can also be left empty. The selection code is entered in the purchase order 'opening' screen, before scanning the order lines.


Financial data

Default cost centre
It is possible to configure a specific cost centre to be linked to sales orders created by Mobile Sales.

Enter cost centre
When enabled, the scanner user can enter or select (browse) one of the existing cost centers. The cost centre is entered in the order 'closing screen', after all lines are scanned, and can be left empty. When disabled, the scanner user does not enter or see a cost centre.

Enter project
When enabled, the scanner user can enter or select (browse) an existing project code. The project code is entered in the order 'closing screen', after all lines are scanned. When disabled, the scanner user does not enter or see a project code.

Project mandatory
When enabled, and previous setting 'enter project' is enabled, then entry of a project code is mandatory.

Default user
Does not apply to WMS ASP but to old 'CAB' functionality only. In the general scanner settings a 'default picker' can be configured. With this setting 'default user' you can indicate whether that setting also applies to Mobile Sales. If not, the scanner will ask for a new value when you start a new sales order.

Purchase order line data


Validate item code
Does not apply to WMS ASP, but to old 'CAB' functionality only, when not using RF.  When you do not have access to item master data on a scanner, you can disable validation of item codes while scanning. The item codes will still be validated on read back of the orders. You cannot use WMS scan codes when this setting is disabled, translation of scan codes to item codes is only done on the scanner and not when reading back transactions. The two following settings are also related to not having item master data available on the scanner.

Display item description
Does not apply to WMS ASP, but to old 'CAB' functionality only. When disabled, the item description is not shown on the scanner. When having no item master data available (see previous setting 'Validate item code') then this setting can also be disabled.

Enter quantity
When enabled, the quantity can be entered, and a default predefined quantity can be changed.
When disabled, the quantity cannot be entered, and the default quantity is always applied (which should be set to value other than zero in that case).

Default quantity
You can specify a default quantity to be prefilled on the scanner.

Minimum quantity
This setting determines the minimum quantity allowed to enter on the hand terminal.

Maximum quantity
This setting determines the maximum quantity allowed to enter on the hand terminal. This setting is intended to avoid errors on the hand terminal, like scanning the item code in the quantity field by mistake.

Default cost unit
You can specify a default cost unit to be prefilled on the scanner, when 'Enter cost unit' is enabled.

Enter cost unit
When enabled, the scanner user can enter or select (browse for) an existing cost unit code. The cost unit can be prefilled with the 'default cost unit'. Entry of the cost unit is not mandatory.
When disabled, the cost unit is not entered or visible on the scanner.


Screen layout
ASP and WMSclient only. Please read this section for more information on 'screen layout'.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 25.951.245
 Assortment:  Date: 25-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment: