In this screen, you can obtain an overview of the availability of stock in different warehouses that store the requested item. As such, you can verify whether there is sufficient stock available for fulfillment and take the necessary actions, such as a back order if required.
Then, click New or Open to create or maintain an internal use request. Next, click Avail.stock next to the Date field.
Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to display the overview on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Type or select a date to display the overview within 10 days, weeks, or months from the selected date. By default, the fulfillment date defined in the corresponding internal use request is displayed.
This section displays the overview of stock in the warehouse selected in the Warehouse section.
In this column, you can indicate which process you want to include or exclude in the calculation displayed in the overview.
This column displays what the values in each row indicate, as described below:
This section displays the warehouses that store the requested item. Select a warehouse to obtain an overview in the Stock section.
Note: It is possible that not all the columns in the overview are displayed. For more information, see Inserting and deleting columns.
This column displays the codes of the warehouses linked to the requested item.
This column displays the names of the warehouses linked to the requested item.
This column displays the available or shortage of stock in the selected warehouse on the current date.
These columns display the number of stock obtained from different processes. The first column indicates the summary for the previous date, week, or month while the other nine columns display the calculation for the next nine days, weeks, or months.
Click this to exit.