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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Creating and Modifying Financial Indicators

Menu path:


At this page, you can create, modify, or delete the financial indicators that are used as filters in the financial reports such as the Indicators and Organization chart reports. The financial indicators that you create allow you to have various types of financial analysis for the financial reports.

Menu path

  • To create a financial indicator, go to Financial/Setup/General/Indicators, and then click New.
  • To modify the financial indicator, go to Financial/Setup/General/Indicators, and select a financial indicator under the Indicator column. The selected financial indicator will then be displayed.
  • To delete the financial indicator, go to Financial/Setup/General/Indicators, and select the check box next to the Indicator column. Click Delete to remove the selected financial indicator.

Roles & rights

To create the financial indicators, function right 55 – Maintain Indicator is required. Users with the General manager and Controller roles have this function right.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to save the created financial indicators.

Save + New

Click this to save the financial indicators and create new financial indicators.


Click this to delete the created financial indicator.

Note: This button is available only if you are modifying a financial indicator.


Click this to exit.



Type an indicator code for the financial indicator. This is a unique code. An indicator code is normally used to differentiate the available financial indicators. This is mandatory.


Type a description for the financial indicator. The created description will be displayed as an option that you can select at the Indicator field when displaying the results of the report. This is mandatory. For more information, see Displaying Financial Indicators or Displaying Organization Chart.

Type/ Show

At Type, select one of the following to determine the type of financial indicator you want to create:

  • Financial – Select this to indicate the total amount of selected general ledgers accounts by period or range of periods that you define in the financial reports. The following section is displayed when you want to modify the created financial indicator. Click Add to add the required general ledger account or Delete to remove the general ledger account when you have selected the check box next to the G/L column.

  • Employees – Select this to indicate the amount of FTE (Full Time Equivalent) per period. If you select the range of periods from the financial reports, an average amount of FTE is displayed. To ensure this function works, you have to close the required periods in order for the system to obtain the FTE’s by period. For more information, see Period Closing for HRM.
  • Calculated – Select this to calculate the created indicator by using two other financial indicators. For example, Cost/Employee. The following Calculation section is displayed when you select Calculated at Type:

For the Financial and Calculated type, you need to assign the respective general ledger accounts and financial indicators in order for the function to work. Without assigning any criteria, the financial reports will not display any results even if you have created the financial indicators.

At Show, select Positive or Negative to display the accumulated results of the financial reports in the positive or negative amount. Select Positive to maintain the financial report results as it is or Negative to reverse the financial report results.


Select G/L: Corporate to specify the general ledger accounts that will be used to filter the financial reports. Select External reporting or Internal reporting to specify the general ledger categories that will be used to filter the financial reports. For more information, see Overview of G/L Account Categories.

Note: The Criteria field is available when you select Financial at Type.


Select this check box to display the results of the financial reports in percentage.


Select this check box to activate the created financial indicator. This will determine whether the financial indicator will be available in the financial reports.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 15.440.008
 Assortment:  Date: 21-09-2010
 Release:  Attachment: