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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Exact Synergy Enterprise web services startpage


The Exact Synergy Enterprise web services simplify the integration of multiple systems as less programming is required to connect the systems. With the web services, you are able to make use of existing data by retrieving and manipulating the available data in the system with the various applications that support your business. This reduces the repetition in data entry and update process.

This startpage provides information related to the web services as well as technical information of the business entities.

Introduction to Exact Synergy Enterprise Web Services

Changes Made to Entity Services Properties for Exact Synergy Enterprise

Exact Synergy Enterprise REST Services

Exact Web Services in SoapUI

How to Consume Web Services Using Generic Entity

How to Consume Binary and Document Attachment Web Services

How to Consume Financial Transaction Web Services

Using Web Services With Test Application

Using Notification Function Of Exact Synergy Enterprise Web Services

How to Consume Binary and Entity Web Services

How to Retrieve Set

Relationship Between PaymentCondition and PaymentTermTemplate Entities

How to Reuse the Session ID

Services hosted if IIS fails

RequestFlow service in Exact Synergy Enterprise

DocumentFlow service in Exact Synergy Enterprise

ResourceFlow service in Exact Synergy Enterprise

Mobile.WebAPI service in Exact Synergy Enterprise

AccountFlow service in Exact Synergy Enterprise

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 18.113.021
 Assortment:  Date: 24-05-2024
 Release:  Attachment: