Service contracts are important for trading and business relationships. Service contracts are agreed contracts that depict the expectations of the clients and their providers. Providing services is not mandatory in a service contract.
Service contracts can include several service configurations and types of contract agreements that relate to the service contract and/or service configurations (parts). This page allows you to create and maintain service contracts.
When creating a service contract invoice, the invoice will be created for the invoice frequency period until the due date, except when the contract has ended before the invoice creation date.
To create and maintain service contracts, function rights 851 - View service contracts and 871 – Maintain service contracts are required. Users with the Service desk, Service planner or Service manager role at Corporate level have these function rights.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 500 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.
Keep in mind: A message “This contract is currently in the process of being prolonged. You cannot edit this contract until the process is finished” will be displayed if you click Edit when indexing or prolongation of the service contract is taking place.
You can customize the fields and columns that you want to be displayed on the page by clicking Customise.
Click this to save the service contract.
Note: This button is available only if you are creating or editing a service contract.
Click this to edit the service contract.
Note: This button is available only if you are viewing the service contract.
Click this to link the service agreements to the service configurations for the service contract. For more information, see Linking agreements to service configurations for Service management.
Click this to view the contract rates for the service contract. For more information, see Overview of contract rates for Service management.
Click this to view, email, and/or print the contract documents for the service contract.
Click this to copy the service contract. Once the service contract is copied, the copied service contract will have a new contract number, and all the fields will be copied to the new service contract. However, the information in certain fields will be different for the new contract, such as the following:
The following fields will not be copied:
The start and end dates of the service agreement for the copied service contract will be different, such as the following:
Click this to exit.
Type or select a division for the service contract. By default, your division will be displayed.
Type or select a contract account for the service contract. This is mandatory.
Note: This field cannot be edited once the service contract is saved.
Type or select a contact person for the service contract. This is mandatory.
Type or select a service address for the service contract. This is mandatory.
Type or select a contact person that can provide access to the physical location of the service configurations, whereby the person has the "key" or "access code" to enter the location.
Type or select a service contract template for the service contract.
Type a contract number for the service contract. This is mandatory.
Note: This field is available only when a service contract is created.
Type or select a project for the service contract. The project can be used to cluster information for multiple service contracts.
Type or select a contract type for the service contract. Contract types can be used to cluster service contracts that have the same characteristics.
Type or select a cost center for the service contract. This cost center will be used in the financial transactions that are related to the service contract.
Type or select a cost unit for the service contract. This cost unit will be used in the financial transactions that are related to the service contract.
Select a status for the service contract. You can select Draft, Proposed, Active, Rejected, or Blocked. Service activities will be validated, preventive maintenance requests will be created, and periodical contract invoices will be generated only if the service contract is active. By default, Proposed is displayed for the service contract.
Type or select a start date for the service contract. By default, the current date is displayed.
Type or select an end date for the service contract. By default, the date that is one year from the current date will be displayed. For example, if the Start date is 01/01/2012, the End date will be 31/12/2012.
The last prolongation date of the service contract will be displayed. However, Never will be displayed if the service contract has never been prolonged. This field cannot be edited.
Select whether you want the service contract to be indexed. If Blocked is selected, the service contract will not be displayed on the Index: Service contracts page. Select Not blocked to index the service contract. By default, Not blocked is displayed.
Select a month for the indexation for the service contract. You can also leave the field blank if you do not want to select a month.
Select the type of index for the service contract. Select Index with percentage or Index with amount. By default, Index with percentage is displayed.
Type the percentage for the index. This field is mandatory.
Note: This field is available only if Index with percentage is selected at Indexation: Type.
Type the amount for the index. This field is mandatory.
Note: This field is available only if Index with amount is selected at Indexation: Type.
The date the service contract was last indexed will be displayed. Never will be displayed if the service contract has never been indexed. However, if one service agreement is indexed, the indexation date will be displayed. If there are two or more service agreements with different indexation dates, the service agreement that was last indexed will be displayed. For example, service agreement A (first index) was indexed on March 3, 2015 and service agreement B (second index) was indexed on February 28, 2015. “28-02-2015” will be displayed on the service contract. This field cannot be edited.
Type or select an invoice account for the service contract. This is mandatory.
Select Blocked or Not blocked for the service contract. If Blocked is selected, invoices will not be generated for the service contract. By default, Not blocked is displayed.
The default currency of the selected division is displayed. This field cannot be edited.
Type or select a payment condition for the service contract. The payment conditions are derived from Exact Globe Next at System ? General ? Countries ? Payment conditions. For more information, see Overview of payment conditions.
Type or select a selection code for the service contract. This field depends on the selection at Mandatory selection code on the Service: Settings page to determine whether the field is mandatory or not mandatory. For more information, see Maintaining settings for Service management. The selection codes are displayed based on the contract division.
Select By agreement to group the invoice lines based on the service agreement, or No grouping if grouping is not required for the service contract. This selection affects the level of invoice (proposal) lines that are created. By default, No grouping is displayed.
Select how you want the invoice line to be sorted. You can select Default sorting or According to line number. If According to line number is selected, the sorting of the agreements will be based on the line number (the Line no. column under the Agreements section) when the invoice proposal is generated. By default, Default sorting is selected.
When the service contract is invoiced, the system will calculate the discount on agreement that was linked to the service agreement. The calculation will be based on the following priority. Thus, if Default sorting is selected, the following table will be used to determine the priority of the service agreements.
Invoice frequency
Discount type
Fixed amount
For example:
Agreement 1: Amount 1,000 Euro
If According to line number is selected, the invoice proposal calculation will be based on the sequence of the discount agreement and discount on agreement. The system will calculate the agreement that is linked to the discount on agreement based on the sequence followed by the discount agreement.
For example, discount sequence only with discount agreements:
For example, discount sequence only with discount on agreement and discount agreements:
Agreement 1: Amount 2,000 Euro (Deduct discount on agreement, followed by discount agreement)
Select the type of invoicing for the service contract. You can select Start date (+) (invoicing interval (line)) or Fixed day interval (line). By default, Start date (+) (invoicing interval (line)) is displayed. If Start date (+) (invoicing interval (line)) is selected, the invoice frequency of the service agreement line will be used to calculate the invoice proposal details. However, if Fixed day interval (line) is selected, the period and rate of the invoice proposal will be calculated accordingly. For example, if the month and day is set to January 4, the invoice proposal will be calculated and invoiced until January 3.
Select the frequency the service contract will be invoiced. You can select Yearly, Monthly, 4-weekly, Weekly, Once-only, Quarterly, or Half yearly if Start date (+) (invoicing interval (line)) is selected at Invoicing type. Yearly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Half yearly can be selected if Fixed day interval (line) is selected at Invoicing type. By default, Yearly will be displayed.
Select the month and day the service contract will be invoiced. By default, January and 1 will be displayed.
Note: This field is available only if Fixed day interval (line) is selected at Invoicing type and Yearly is selected at Invoice frequency.
Select the day the service contract will be invoiced. By default, 1 will be displayed.
Note: This field is available only if Fixed day interval (line) is selected at Invoicing type and Monthly is selected at Invoice frequency.
Select the month and day the service contract will be invoiced. By default, 1 will be displayed for month and 1 will be displayed for day.
Note: This field is available only if Fixed day interval (line) is selected at Invoicing type and Quarterly or Half yearly is selected at Invoice frequency.
The date the service contract was last invoiced will displayed. This field cannot be edited.
Click this hyperlink to view the list of documents related to the service contract. For more information, see Overview of documents.
Note: This hyperlink is applicable only if you are viewing the service contract.
Click this hyperlink to view the list of reports related to the service contract. For more information, see Overview of Reports - Reporting Services Integration.
Click this hyperlink to view the list of service configurations related to the service contract. For more information, see Searching for service configurations in Service management.
Click this hyperlink to view the list of service activities related to the service contract. For more information, see Overview of service activities for Service management.
Type a reference for the service contract. The information defined in this field will be displayed in the invoice in Exact Globe once the service contract in Exact Synergy is invoiced.
Note: This field can be edited only if the status of the service contract is Active.
Type your comments for the invoice for the service contract. The invoice comments will be updated to the Exact Globe Next invoice lines when the service invoice from Exact Synergy Enterprise is created whereby the invoice comments will be displayed on the invoice layout in the item block in Exact Globe Next. The invoice comments will be displayed in the Exact Globe Next invoice but it will not be displayed in the Exact Synergy Enterprise invoice proposal. Once the invoice proposal is generated and invoiced in Exact Globe Next, the invoice comments cannot be edited.
Type or select the account that will be invoiced for the service contract. This is mandatory.
Type or select the invoice customer for the service contract. These alternative invoice customers can be selected when invoicing service activity related revenues.
This section displays all the service contract items and configuration items for the service contract. Service contract items can be added to the service contract by clicking Add. You can also view and edit the details of the service configuration items by clicking the service configuration items. For more information, see Editing service configuration items for Service management.
This section displays the service agreements for the service contract. Service agreements can be added to the service contract by clicking Add. The service agreements can be viewed, edited, and deleted by clicking the service agreements. However, any change on the line number in the agreement will affect the sorting of the agreement. The agreements will be displayed as follows:
If you have selected the According to line number option at the Invoice line sorting field, you can sort the service agreements by moving them using the and icons.
For more information, see Creating and maintaining service agreements for Service management.
This section displays the agreements that have expired but invoiced (the end date of the agreement is after the current date but it has been invoiced).