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Creating and modifying contacts

Menu paths

  • Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search
  • Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ General ➔ Contacts
  • Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Contacts ➔ Search


This page allows you to create, customize and modify contact persons.

With the implementation of the Person (or Natural Person) feature from product update 250 onwards, Exact Synergy Enterprise supports registration of people in Exact Synergy Enterprise where the people can be grouped into two basic account types: a person account (prospect, customer, or supplier) and a contact person of a company account that you are doing business with. Apart from being able to create an account based on a company and an account based on a person in Exact Synergy Enterprise, you can leverage on the CRM information through the contact person of company-based accounts to provide you insights to the people who are involved in the businesses.

The term “account” or “accounts” will be used to describe both account types, namely, the Company and Person accounts. Otherwise, when used individually, the account type will be referred to as “company account” for account type Company and “person account” for account type Person.

To view person accounts and contacts, the Activate: Persons check box under the Persons section on the Accounts: Settings page has to be selected. For more information, see Defining account settings.

Roles & rights

  • To allow the main contact person of the reseller to have web access, function right 121 – Allows to give web access to main contact person of reseller is required. Users with the Customer manager or Reseller manager role have this function right.
  • To allow the main contact person of the supplier to have web access, function right 448 – Allows to give web access to main contact person of supplier is required. Users with the Supplier manager role have this function right.
  • To edit the information for contact persons, function right 495 - Maintain CRM data when MainCRMBackOffice is set for current division is required. Users with the Administrator role have this function right.
  • To view and edit credit card information of a contact person, function right 521 – Allows to view and edit contact’s credit card information is required. Users with the F&A staff role have this function right.
  • To view the information for contact persons, function right 524 - View account card is required. Users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
  • To customize the information and layout of the contact card, function right 498 – Allows to update the company wide account card customization is required. Users with the CorporateGroup, Division, Cost center group, and Cost center Administrators have this function right. The customization is applicable only to Corporate level roles.  


  • For more details on function rights, go to Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 259 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I create contacts?

  1. Go to Modules ? Reports ? Contacts ? Search.
  2. Define the required search criteria, and then click Show.
  3. Click the required contact in the Contact: Last name column.
  4. Click New.
  5. Define the required fields.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Close to exit.

How do I edit contacts?

  1. Go to Modules ? Customers ? Reports ? Contacts ? Search.
  2. Define the required fields, and then click Show.
  3. Click the required contact person link under the Contact: Last name column.
  4. Click Edit, and then make the necessary changes.
  5. Click Save.

Note: When certain flexible fields, such e-mail, mobile, phone, fax, job description, and job title are edited on a contact person card that is linked to any person account and contact, a message will be displayed requiring you to update the same fields on all the person accounts and contacts linked to the contact person. Select Yes to proceed with updating the same fields on all the person accounts and contacts linked to the contact person, or No to abort the operation.

How do I delete contacts?

  1. Go to Modules ? Customers ? Reports ? Contacts ? Search.
  2. Define the required fields, and then click Show.
  3. Click the required contact person link under the Contact: Last name column.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Delete. The message “Are you sure that you want to delete this record?” will be displayed.
  6. Click OK.

How do I change the status of contacts to active?

  1. Go to Modules ? Customers ? Reports ? Contacts ? Search.
  2. Define the required fields, and then click Show.
  3. Click the required contact person link under the Contact: Last name column.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Active.
  6. Click OK.

Keep in mind: This function is available only if the status of the contact is Inactive.

How do I change the status of contacts to inactive?

  1. Go to Modules ? Customers ? Reports ? Contacts ? Search.
  2. Define the required fields, and then click Show.
  3. Click the required contact person link under the Contact: Last name column.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Inactive.
  6. Click Yes.

Keep in mind: This function is available only if the status of the contact is Active.

How do I download the business card of contacts?

  1. Go to Modules ? Customers ? Reports ? Contacts ? Search.
  2. Define the required fields, and then click Show.
  3. Click the required contact person link under the Contact: Last name column.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click vCard. A message will be displayed requiring you to either open or save the business card of the contact person in .vcf file format.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Close to exit.

How do I remove the linked accounts from contacts?

  1. Go to Modules ? Customers ? Reports ? Contacts ? Search.
  2. Define the required fields, and then click Show.
  3. Click the required contact person link under the Contact: Last name column.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Unlink.
  6. Click Close to exit.

How do I select employers for contacts?

  1. Go to Modules ? Customers ? Reports ? Contacts ? Search.
  2. Define the required fields, and then click Show.
  3. Click the required contact person link in the Contact: Last name column.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click New: Employer.
  6. Define the required fields, and then click Show.
  7. Select the required account link in the Name column.



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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 15.527.734
 Assortment:  Date: 15-06-2021
 Release: 266  Attachment:

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