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Overview of service orders to be realised

Menu path

Service Entries Realizations


Once the service items in the service orders are delivered to the customers, the service items must be recorded into the system. Items such as spare parts, replacement items, and other service items, and labor hours must be recorded. From this overview, you can:

  • view and/or edit notes for the service orders
  • view documents that are attached to the service orders
  • change the shipping methods of the service orders
  • realize service orders, or
  • view and/or edit the service orders.


You can filter the service orders that you want to display by entering the search criteria and clicking Search. The service orders that match the search criteria you have defined are then displayed. A list of options will be displayed if you click Select.png at Resource, Order, and Customer. From the list, make your selection and click Select.

Note: It is possible that not all the columns are displayed. You can add or delete columns as required. For more information, see Inserting and deleting columns.

Warehouse section 


Select the warehouse to search for service orders with the selected warehouse.   

Note: This box is available only if you have E-Warehouse Management in your license.

Selection section


Type or select a resource to display service orders with the selected resource. You can also leave this box empty to search for service orders with any resource.


Type or select a service order to be displayed. You can also leave this box empty to display all the service orders.


Type or select a customer to search for service orders with the selected customer. You can also leave this box empty to search for service orders with any customer.

Fulfillment date

Type or select a date to search for service orders with the fulfillment date. You can also select the All check box to display service orders with any fulfillment date. By default, the All check box is selected.


Click Advanced to expand the search criteria. You will then see Order and Customer boxes.

Click Simple to hide the search criteria.

Extra section

Transaction date

Type or select the date the service orders were realized. By default, the current date is displayed.



Click this to display the overview based on the search criteria defined.


Click this to type a new note or to view the notes that are recorded for the service order. For more information, see Creating and maintaining notes.

Note: This button is enabled only if a service order is selected.


Click this to attach a new document or to view the documents that are attached to the service order. For more information, see Overview of attached documents.

Note: This button is enabled only if a service order is selected.

Shipping via

Click this to change the shipping method of the service order.

Note: This button is enabled only if a service order is selected.


Click this to realize the service order. For more information, see Realizing service orders.

Note: This button is enabled only if a service order is selected.

Service order

Click this to view the service order. For more information, see Creating and maintaining service orders.

Note: This button is enabled only if a service order is selected.


Click this to exit.

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 Sub category:  Document ID: 17.098.511
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release: 382  Attachment: