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Creating and modifying project deliverables

Menu paths

  • Modules ? Projects ? Reports ? Search ? Projects
  • Modules ? Projects ? Reports ? Projects ? My projects


On this page, you can create or modify project deliverables. You can also create child projects.

Roles and rights

To manage deliverables and work breakdown structure (WBS), function right 903 Manage deliverable/WBS is needed. By default, users with the Project planner or Project administration role have this function right.


  • For more details on function rights, go to Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 260 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I create deliverables?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlink in the Project column.
  4. On the selected project card, under the Project monitor section in the Start up column, click the Deliverables & WBS lines hyperlink.
  5. On the Project deliverables page, under the Deliverables section, click New.
  6. On the Deliverable: New page, define the relevant fields.
  7. Click Save to save the entry or click Save + New to save the entry and create another deliverable.

Note: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.

How do I modify deliverables?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlink in the Project column.
  4. On the selected project card, under the Project monitor section in the Start up column, click the Deliverables & WBS lines hyperlink.
  5. On the Project deliverables page, under the Deliverables section, click the hyperlinked name of the required deliverable in the Deliverable column. Alternatively, in the Actions column, you can click the corresponding Edit icon of the required deliverable.
  6. On the Deliverable page, modify the relevant fields.
  7. Click Save.

How do I delete deliverables?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlink in the Project column.
  4. On the selected project card, under the Project monitor section in the Start up column, click the Deliverables & WBS lines hyperlink.
  5. On the Project deliverables page, under the Deliverables section, click the hyperlinked name of the required deliverable in the Deliverable column. Alternatively, in the Actions column, you can click the corresponding Edit icon of the required deliverable.
  6. On the Deliverable page, click Delete. A message, “Are you sure that you want to delete this record?” will be displayed.
  7. Click OK.

How do I create child projects?

  1. On the Projects: Search page, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required project by clicking the hyperlink in the Project column.
  4. On the selected project card, under the Project monitor section in the Start up column, click the Deliverables & WBS lines hyperlink.
  5. On the Project deliverables page, under the Deliverables section, click the hyperlinked name of the required deliverable in the Deliverable column. Alternatively, in the Actions column, you can click the corresponding Edit icon of the required deliverable.
  6. On the Deliverable page, click New child project. A pop-up page to create a child project will be displayed. For more information, see Creating and modifying projects.
  7. Define the relevant fields.
  8. Click Save.

Tips and tricks

A deliverable can be New, In progress, or Completed at any one time. However, the transitions that are allowed are displayed in the following:

Only project managers are allowed to change the status of the deliverables. The transitions of a parent deliverable will affect its child deliverables and vice versa. See the following tables for more information:

Status of parent deliverable

Status of child deliverable(s)

From New to In progress.

All will remain as New. This applies recursively down the tree.

From In progress to Completed.

All will change to Completed. This applies recursively down the tree.

From Completed to In progress.

All will remain as Completed. This applies recursively down the tree.


Status of child deliverable

Status of parent deliverable(s)

From New to In progress.

All will change to In progress. This applies to all parents up the tree.

From In progress to Completed.

All will remain as In progress. This applies to all parents up the tree.

From Completed to In progress.

If the status of the parent deliverable is In progress, the status will remain.

If the status of the parent deliverable is Completed, then this transition is not possible. The following message is displayed:

“The state of this deliverable can be changed to In progress only when the state of its parent deliverable is already In progress.”

These apply to all parents up the tree.


When you set a deliverable to the Completed status, a message will be displayed to notify the project manager of any incomplete request.

  • Clicking the incomplete requests hyperlink on the message will display a list of incomplete requests for that deliverable.
  • You will not be able to link requests to this deliverable.
  • Any request that has not been realized will be rejected.
  • Any request that has been realized can be approved and invoiced.



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ESE-OH260-Creatingandmodifyingprojectdeliverables-final.docx 35.2 KB View Download