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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual - Import definition

Import definition

[Master data, Maintenance, Import definition]

EDIS import definition

Enter the name of the new definition you want to create or you can select an already existing import definition by using the magnifying glass.


Enter a description for the import definition.

Default EDIS action

Select the default action you want EDIS to perform for you. The actions that can be selected are: {Create}, {Assign}, {Modify} or {Remove}.

Default import path

Enter the path where the import files can be found. It is also possible to define an import path per file. The path you enter here will be used as a default.

Default move path

Enter the default path where you want the import files to be saved after import. After import the files will be renamed. The files will get the extension .001 file (or 002,003,004 etc. if a file with such an extension already exists)

Import type

Select the type of file you want to import.


Enter a separator if you want to import a CSV file (Comma Separated Value).

Character conversion

If the import files are imported in an other format then expected, it can be necessary to use character conversion. The following options are available:

  • {Progress default conversion}: the records will be converted to the default character set.
  • {No conversion}: no conversion will be used.
  • {ISO8859-1}: the records will be converted from ISO8859-1 to the default character set.
  • {IBM-850 dos character set}: the records will be converted from IBM-850 dos character set to the default character set.

At the bottom of the screen, two columns are displayed. The column on the left hand side represents the tables available for import and the column on the right hand side displays the selected columns. The 'Add' and 'Remove' buttons can be used to select the columns. The 'Up' and 'Down' buttons can be used to move the tables. You might want to move the tables, because you need to use a logical order. When importing financial entries and general ledger accounts, it is necessary to import the general ledger accounts first, because the accounts are used in the financial entries. The tables can be used more than once. For example, because you want to import data in more than one company. After a column is selected, the properties of the tables can be edited using the 'Edit' button. The following fields should be filled in the screen that will appear using the 'Edit' button:


The application cannot be changed.

Table name

The table name cannot be changed.


The description of the table can be changed. The description entered in [Master data, Maintenance, Tables] will be displayed as a default.


Enter the directory where the import file can be found. The directory you enter here will overwrite the directory you entered in the previous screen.

File name

Enter the file name of the import file. It is possible to use wildcards (*) in the file name, so when you enter the file name cred*.csv, all files that start with cred followed by something will be imported.

EDIS action

Select the action that should be performed. The possibilities to select are:

  • {Default action}: the action selected in the previous screen will be performed.
  • {Create}, {Assign}, {Modify}, {Remove}: selecting one of these possibilities means that the action selected in the previous screen will be overwritten.

Transaction type

You can select a transaction type here, which enable you to import data in batch mode. The following transaction types can be selected:

  • {Each record in a separate transaction}: For each record that will be imported a new transaction will be created. When you want to import 100 creditors at once, and a error appears for one of the creditors, this one will be rejected and the rest will be imported.
  • {All records in the same transaction}: All records that will be imported will be used in one transaction. When you want to import 100 creditors at once, and a error appears for one of the creditors, all 100 creditors will be rejected.
  • {New transaction if field value changed}: When a record differs from another record, for example because the record has a different invoice number, a new transaction will be created. When you want to import 100 creditors at once, you can for example enter here that you want to start a new transaction when another creditor category is used.
  • {New transaction if field has given value}: If t a particular field has a certain value, a new transaction will be created. When you want to import 100 creditors at once, you can enter here that you want to start a new transaction when for example creditor category 10 is used.

Master / detail

Some records consist of headers and lines, for example financial entries or sales invoices. In some way EDIS should recognize if a line is a sub line or a header. The following options can be selected:

  • {Only single records}: If you select this option, only single records will be imported.
  • {Master record if field value changed}: If you select this option, a new master record will be created if the value of a field changes, for example if the invoice number changes.
  • {Master record if field has given value}: If a record contains a particular value, a new master record will be created.

Field path / file name

When importing a file, you may want to copy the file name into a particular field, for example the description, in order to be able to recognize the record after importing it into Exact Financials C/S. The following options are available:

  • {No filename copy}: The file name will not be copied.
  • {Copy filename excluding path}: The file name will be copied in the selected field.
  • {Copy filename including path}: The file name including the path will be copied in the selected field.
  • {Copy path only}: When this option is selected, the path where the file can be found will be copied into the selected field. The file name will not be copied.

Move directory

Select the directory where you want to store the files after importing. This directory overwrites the directory entered in the previous screen.

After you have defined all this data, the data can be imported.

Connectivity Manual - Contents > EDIS > EDIS Bulk import > Import definition

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.802
 Assortment:  Date: 14-09-2007
 Release:  Attachment: