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Product Updates 418, 417, and 416: Version 1.1 available for NAV online invoicing system (Hungarian legislation)

The schema version 1.1 is now available for the NAV online invoicing system and will be effective for the submission of the invoices starting from April 1, 2019 and onwards. Therefore, invoices using the previous schema version are required to be submitted before April 1, 2019. Failing to do so will result in the rejection of the invoices by the tax authority.

Note: Original invoices that have been sent using the schema version 1.0 must also have the credit notes and corrections sent using the same schema version. Otherwise, the credit notes and corrections will be rejected by the tax authority.

Schema version 1.1

With this enhancement, the schema version 1.1 will be reflected at the <originalRequestVersion>.

<lineExpressionIndicator> tag

The <lineExpressionIndicator> tag will be made available in the invoice lines and is a mandatory element. The value that will be reflected at the tag is as follows:

  • true: This value will be reflected at the tag if an item line and its quantity is not equal to “0”.
  • false: This value will be reflected at the tag if an item line and its quantity is equal to “0”. 

If the value “true” is reflected at the tag, the following tags will be made mandatory as well:

  • <lineDescription>
  • <quantity>
  • <unitOfMeasure>
  • <unitPrice> 

If the value “false” is reflected at the tag, only the <lineDescription> tag will be made mandatory.

Note that the in the XML file, the <lineVATRate> tag contains the <vatExemption> tag, instead of the <vatPercentage> tag. This is due to the text line using the "0" percentage for the VAT, and the VAT exemption has been defined for the VAT code in the Settings screen (accessible via Invoice ? Reports ? NAV online invoicing system, clicking the Settings button, and then clicking the Select button under the VAT section).

Unit of measure for quantity

The value that will be reflected at the <unitOfMeasure> the tag will be based on the following:

Unit of quantity displayed in the selection screen in Exact Globe Next

Value that will be reflected at the tag





















Cubic metre




Linear meter








If the unit of quantity of the item line is not available in the list above, the value “OWN” will be reflected at the tag.

<unitOfMeasureOwn> tag

The <unitOfMeasureOwn> tag will be reflected in the invoice lines if the value for the unit of measure is “OWN” and will contain the value of its original unit of measurement that is not listed for selection.

Field mapping

In the Settings screen (accessible via Invoice ? Reports ? NAV Online invoicing system, and then clicking the Settings button), the Tag: UnitofMeasure field has been added under the User-defined roles section. By clicking the Field mappings button at the field, the selection screen for the unit of measure will be displayed:

In this screen, you will be able to maintain the list of units for items. By default, the units for items will be automatically mapped to the list as illustrated in the previous table (See the Unit of measure for quantity section). For items of which their units are not available in the list, the value “OWN” will be automatically mapped to the units.

The type for the unit of measure can be changed by highlighting any of the unit in the list, and then selecting the type at the Type drop-down box. Next, click on the Select button to update the item with the new type.

Note: The options that are available at the drop-down box is the list of the supported units of measure in the NAV online invoicing system.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 28.925.955
 Assortment:  Date: 05-08-2021
 Release:  Attachment: