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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - Sales invoices

Sales invoices

File name: invoices.csv

Nr. Field name Type Format H/S/B Reference Description Remarks Default
1 linenr_lsisl INT N1 B - Line no - -
2 invoice_code INT N8 B llinvc Invoice_code - -
3 debtor INT N8 H debtor Debtor May not be blocked. -
4 item_code CHAR A20 S llitem Item code - -
5 textline CHAR A2000 S - text line - -
6 acc_nr-itemgroup INT/CHAR N8/A9 S ledger/lligrp Acc-nr or Itm-grp-code - -
7 quantity DEC N9,3 S - Quantity - -
8 price DEC N9,3 S - Price - ?=Price defined in maintenance items
9 seqnr_lsihl INT N8 B - Sequence Number - -
10 invoice_debtor INT N8 H debtor Invoice debtor May not be blocked. *
11 delivery_debtor INT N8 H debtor Collect debtor May not be blocked ?=Debtor (field 3),
12 delivery_method CHAR A8 H lldome Delivery method - *
13 delivery_address CHAR A8 H delnac Delivery address - -
14 representative CHAR A8 H lsrep Representative - *
15 order_date DATE DD/MM/YYYYY H - Order date Field is not used (as of version 3.28)
16 delivery_date DATE DD/MM/YYYYY H - Delivery date - -
17 reference CHAR A30 H - Reference - -
18 reference_1 CHAR A30 H - Extra description 1 - -
19 reference_2 CHAR A30 H - Extra description 2 - -
20 reference_3 CHAR A30 H - Extra description 3 - -
21 text_code CHAR A8 H lltext Text code - -
22 exdescr_code CHAR A2 H lldesc Extra description code - -
23 curr_code CHAR A3 H curren Currency code - *
24 exch_rate DEC N5,6 H - Exchange rate - *
25 pay_condition CHAR A4 H paycon Payment condition - *
26 sel_code CHAR A2 H - Selection code - -
27 invoice_discount_perc DEC N3,2 H - Invoice discount % - -
28 cost_code CHAR A8 H llcoc Cost code - *
29 freight_costs DEC N15,2 H - Freight costs - -
30 vat_code_freight_costs CHAR A3 H vattrs VAT code freight - -
31 order_costs DEC N15,2 H - Order costs - -
32 vat_code_order_costs CHAR A3 H vattrs VAT code order - -
33 amt_inc_vat_inc_disc DEC N15,2 H - Tot amount - -
34 approved LOG Y/N H - Approved - No
35 userid_approve CHAR A12 H euser User id approver - Current user
36 seqnr_lsohl INT N8 H lsohl Sales Order number - -
37 invoice_status INT N6 H - State 20401/20402 ?=20401
38 invoice_date DATE DD/MM/YYYYY H - Invoice date - -
39 original_invoice_nr INT N9 H - Original invoice number - -
40 descr CHAR A40 S - Description - ?=description of item
41 vat_code CHAR A3 S vattrs VAT code - *
42 cost_center CHAR A8 S ccent Cost center - *
43 cost_unit CHAR A8 S cunit Cost unit - *
44 pricelist_code CHAR A3 S llplst Price list code - *
45 discount_type INT N6 S - Percentage or amount 11501/11502 ?=11501
46 line_discount DEC N15,2 S - Line disc - -
47 discount_calculation INT N6 S - Discount calculation 10201/10202/10203 ?=10201
48 linenr_horitm INT N4 S - Sales Order Line number - -
49 PRO-project_code CHAR A10 S prmst Project code - -
50 PRO-cost_cat_code CHAR A8 S prcat Project cost category code - -
51 PRO-cost_center CHAR A8 S ccent Project cost center - -
52 PRO-description CHAR A30 S - Project description - -
53 EXTRA-calc_rate INT A1 H - Exchange rate type 0/1 *
54 invoice_nr INT N8 H - Invoice number External number *

General remarks:

If the setting 'Change debtor data' in the sales settings is not activated, the following fields needs to be filled with a "?", to retrieve the default data:

10 Invoice debtor
11 Delivery debtor
12 Delivery method
14 Representative
23 Currency code
25 Payment condition
28 Cost code
41 VAT code
44 Price list code

If the setting 'Change item data' in the sales settings is not activated, the following fields needs to be filled with a "?", to retrieve the default data:

8 Sales price
40 Description

Clarification of the fields:

1 0 for headers, ? for sublines (the first available line number will be taken.)
2 This invoice code may not be one of the type 'Purchase' or 'Project'. If this field is left empty, the first invoice code of the type 'Sales' will be taken.
4 This item should be marked as 'Sales' item or 'Both'.
6 This line is only used when you want to enter a sales invoice for a text line. In the sales settings in [File, Company settings, Sales settings], you can indicate whether you want to keep revenue statistics of text lines. If you have activated this option, an item group should be entered in this field. If you did not activate this option, a ledger account should be entered here.
10 The invoice debtor linked to the debtor (field 3) is used as default. If no invoice debtor is linked to the debtor, the debtor will be used.
12 If a "?" is entered, the delivery method linked to the debtor will be used.
14 If a "?" is entered, the representative linked to the debtor will be used. If no representative is linked to the debtor, the representative defined in the sales settings will be used.
16 Delivery date = order date + number of delivery days defined in Sales settings.
23 When entering a "?", the currency code linked to the invoice debtor will be used as default. In case no default code is linked, the currency code defined in the settings will be used.
24 When entering a "?" the current exchange rate will be used.
25 When entering a "?", the payment condition linked to the invoice debtor will be used as default, if no payment condition is linked, the payment condition defined in the settings will be used.
28 When entering a "?", the cost code linked to the invoice debtor, will be used as default. If no cost code is linked and you enter, the cost code defined in the settings will be used.
29-32 If you have entered a cost code in field 28 and you enter a "?" in these fields, the fields will automatically be calculated. If the field 'Cost code' is left empty these fields can be filled manually. Please mind that the VAT codes should be of the type 'Sales' or 'Both'.
34 If the setting 'Approve sales invoices' is disabled, this field will be ignored.
35 If you enter a "?", the current user will be the approver of the invoice.
37 20401 = Entered

20402 = Printed

Invoices with status 'Printed' can only be imported if the setting 'Approve sales invoices' is enabled and the invoice is approved. Unapproved printed invoices cannot be imported if the setting 'Approve sales invoices' is enabled.

38 Invoice with status 'Entered' may not have an invoice date.
39 This field can only be filled in case of a credit invoice. You should enter the number of the original invoice for which a credit invoice is entered.
41 If "?" is entered, the VAT code linked to the invoice debtor will be used as default.
42 If "?" is entered, the cost center linked to the representatives will be used as default. If no cost center is linked to the representative, the cost center defined in the sales settings will be used as default.
43 If "?" is entered, the cost unit linked to the item group will be used as default.
44 If "?" is entered, the price list linked to the debtor will be used as default.
45 11501 = Discount is percentage (Used as default when "?" is entered.)
11502 = Discount is amount
47 10201 = Price list discount over line discount(Used as default when "?" is entered.)
10202 = Line discount over price list discount
10203 = Price list discount plus line discount
53 If you want to use Anglo-Saxon notation (Euro notation) for exchange rates you should enter 1, if you want to use the 'old' exchange rate enter 0. If this field is left empty, the settings you defined in the financial preferences in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences] on the 'Miscellaneous' tab.
49-52 These fields will only be filled if you defined in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences] that a project link is optional or mandatory and if the ledger account involved is marked as a project account. In case you have set this option to 'Optional' it is possible to import project data. In case you have set this option to 'Mandatory' the entry will be rejected if you do not enter project data.
54 This number must be unique. It may not have been used in the past. If you leave this field empty, but you did select to reserve the invoice number during entry, the first free number defined in the settings will be used.

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > Data import > Exact Sales C/S > Sales invoices

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.737
 Assortment:  Date: 09-09-2005
 Release:  Attachment: