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Viewing field types and the field values

Menu paths

  • HRM à Setup à Competency management à Field types
  • HRM à Setup à Performance review management à Field types
  • HRM à Setup à Target agreement à Field types


Field types are used in the Competency Management, Performance Review Management, and Target Agreement features. On this page, you can view the field type and its field values. This is applicable only if the type of the field type is defined as Value or Combo box.

Roles and rights

  • To view and modify the field values of a field type for competency of employees, function rights 505 – View payroll components and 508 – Maintain payroll components are required. Users with the HR role have these function rights.
  • To view and modify the field values of a field type for performance review of employees, function rights 99 – View performance review and 107 – Maintain performance review are required. Users with the HR role have these function rights.
  • To view and modify the field values of a field type for target agreement of employees, function rights 86 – View target agreement and 95 – Maintain target agreement are required. Users with the HR role have these function rights.


  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 251.

How do I view field types and its values?

  1. On the respective page, click the corresponding hyperlink under the Description column.

How do I modify existing field types?

  1. On the respective page, click the corresponding hyperlink under the Description column.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes, and then click Save.

Keep in mind: You can always modify the type of the field type. For example, you can change the type from Value to Text. However, field values that were linked to the field type when the type was defined as Value will automatically be deleted. If the field type has been linked to a competency or resume type, the existing data of applicants or employees who have that competency linked to their competency profiles or who have that resume type linked to their resume items will be removed. This applies to all types of field types. Thus it is advisable not to change the types of the field types to prevent data loss.

How do I copy the field type and its field values?

  1. On the respective page, click the corresponding hyperlink under the Description column to view the field type and its field values that you want to copy.
  2. Click Copy.
  3. At Description, type a description for the new field type.
  4. Click Save. A field type with the same field values will be created.




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 Assortment:  Date: 03-05-2013
 Release: 230  Attachment:

OH251-Viewingfieldtypesandthefieldvalues-final.docx 29.6 KB View Download