HR ➔ Reports ➔ Absence balance list
This screen displays the absence balance. In this screen, you can choose to view the absence balance list on a yearly, quarterly, or monthly basis. The balance list report shows the duration, details of the opening balance of the absence entitlement from the previous year, number of absence days entitled, total absence days taken, outstanding balance of the absence days for the current year, and expiry date for the current year.
The information in this document is based on product update 404.
Keep in mind:
Keep in mind: The Absence card button is enabled only if a person is selected.
Keep in mind: The Person button is enabled only if a person is selected.
Select Yearly, Quarterly, or Monthly to display the absence balance list according to the selected layout type.
Select the required option to display the absence balance list by Duration or Amount. Select Duration to display the absenteeism in days or hours for the selected absence type, or Amount to display the monetary value of the absenteeism.
Select Person or Absence type to display the results according to the selected grouping.
This column displays the ID of the person.
Note: This column is displayed only if Person is selected at Group by.
This column displays the full name of the person.
This column displays the absence type for the person if Person is selected at Group by, or available absence types if Absence type is selected at Group by.
This column displays the balance days, hours, or amount that the person brought forward from the previous year if Person is selected at Group by, or total balance days, hours, or amount brought forward from the previous year if Absence type is selected at Group by.
This column displays the absence days, hours, or amount the person is entitled to if Person is selected at Group by. If Absence type is selected at Group by, this column will display the total absence days, hours, or amount that each absence type is entitled.
This column displays the absence days, hours, or amount the person has taken if Person is selected at Group by. If Absence type is selected at Group by, this column will display the total absence days, hours, or amount for each absence type.
This column displays the balance for the entire period. This is calculated based on Opening balance + Entitled – Taken.
This column displays the expiry dates of the absence entitlements for the current year. The balance vacation days which will be expiring based on the expiry dates will be displayed in the column header for each person or absence type. However, this will depend on the selection at Group by. You can also view the historical data of the balance entitlements for the previous year which have expired but were not utilized.
For example, a person’s absence entitlement will expire on June 30, and December 31. The Balance list report will display the following:
The balance entitlements will be as follows:
Absence balance list report
Year selection: 2011
Current year:
Expiry date:
Date of request
Date of absence
Start of the year:
Balance entitlements which will expire in 2011 will be displayed.
During the year:
Balance entitlements which will expire in 2011, and have not been utilized will be displayed.
Balance entitlements which have expired in 2011, and were not utilized will be displayed.
Year selection: 2012
Balance entitlements which will expire in 2012 will be displayed.
Balance entitlements which will expire in 2012, and have not been utilized will be displayed.
Click this to update the search results according to the defined criteria.
Click this to view the details of the selected absence entitlements or absence taken.
Click this to view the absence card of the selected person. The Absence card screen allows you to view the absence, work schedule, and summary of the absence for the selected person. For more information, see Introduction to person absence.
Click this to view the information of the person related to the selected absence. For more information, see Creating and maintaining people.
Click this to generate the absence entitlements for the selected person. For more information, see Generating absence entitlements.
Click this to edit the absence entitlement of the selected person. You can increase or decrease the value. For more information, see Adjustments on absence entitlement.
Click this to define the default value of the total absence entitlement for the people. You can also define a specific number of absence entitlements for a person. For more information, see Overview of absence entitlements.
Click this to export the generated absence balance list to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
Click this to exit.