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PU 504 | 503 | 502 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): Changes in root certificate for Digipoort in June and July 2024 (Dutch Legislation)

The Dutch tax authorities introduced Digipoort in 2014 as an electronic post box that utilises XBRL for the submission of VAT returns and EU sales lists. Digipoort uses PKIoverheid certificates for signing and securing communications but this certificate can expire and must be replaced periodically. Several of these certificates are expiring soon and must be replaced in June and July 2024. The latest updates to Exact Globe and Exact Globe+ contain the new certificates. You must update your software in order to continue using Digipoort.

Below are the updated certificates for Digipoort:

Start date Environment End point New certificates
4th June 2024 Pre-production preprod-dgp2_procesinfrastructuur_nl_2024-06-04.crt
18th June 2024 Production dgp2_procesinfrastructuur_nl_2024-06-18.crt
2nd July 2024 Pre-production preprod-dgp_procesinfrastructuur_nl_2024-07-02.crt
16th July 2024 Production dgp_procesinfrastructuur_nl_2024-07-16.crt

If the new certificate returns an error during submission, the system will automatically switch to the old certificates and retry the submission.

We strongly recommend that you update your Exact software to receive the updated certificates.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 31.965.534
 Assortment:  Date: 04-06-2024
 Release: 504  Attachment: