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Product Update 416: New options introduced to ease the searching of INTRASTAT transactions (EU legislation)

To ease the search of INTRASTAT transactions at Invoice ? Statistics ? Intrastat, the Import and Export options have been introduced. These options are only applicable to the EU legislation.

The option selected will determine the transactions that will be displayed in the overview:

  • Import — Selecting this option will display the imported INTRASTAT transactions, such as the purchase receipts, return fulfilments, and RMA orders.
  • Export — Selecting this option will display the exported INTRASTAT transactions, such as the sales fulfilments, return receipts, and RTV orders.

For the Belgium and Italian legislations, these two options will be available only if you have selected the Stock transactions option, as displayed in the following screen:

When the overview is generated in Microsoft Excel, the option selected at Transaction will also be reflected in the Microsoft Excel.

Note that the contents of the electronic INTRASTAT returns for all legislations remain the same as before the enhancements.

For more information, see Overview of INTRASTAT data.

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 28.241.162
 Assortment:  Date: 28-05-2018
 Release: 416  Attachment: