You can see the following screen by clicking
Columns at the Make purchase entry screen. This screen refers to the columns in the purchase order lines. If you want certain columns to be available in the purchase order lines, select the relevant check boxes for the columns. For example, if you want the Description column to be available in the purchase order lines, select the Description check box.
Menu path
Go to Finance ➔ Entries ➔ Purchase, and then click Open or New.
Header section
This section refers to the columns in the purchase journal header. If you want certain columns to be available in the purchase journal header, select the relevant check boxes for the columns. For example, if you want the XRate column to be available in the purchase journal header, select the XRate check box.
Type the fulfillment date for the purchase journal. By default, the fulfillment date displayed is based on the system date.
Type the date the purchase journal is created. By default, the date displayed is based on the system date. This information is mandatory.
Reporting date
Type the reporting date for the purchase journal. By default, the reporting date displayed is based on the system date. This information is mandatory.
Type the entry number for the purchase journal. By default, the EntryNo displays an entry number after you press the TAB key at Jrnl column.
Note: The EntryNo column cannot be edited once you press TAB. This entry number is derived from the selected purchase journal at System ➔ Finance ➔ Journals.
Our ref.
By default, the Our ref. column displays the purchase journal number after you press TAB at Jrnl column. The reference number displayed is based on the Purchase journal defined at System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ Number settings. Type or select another reference number for the purchase journal when there are others that need to be entered.
Type or select another currency for the purchase journal when there are foreign currencies that need to be entered. By default, the currency displayed is based on the Default currency defined at System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ General settings.
Type an exchange rate for the purchase journal when a foreign currency is entered. By default, the exchange rate displayed is based on the Exchange rate defined at the exchange rates maintenance (go to System ➔ General ➔ Countries ➔ Exchange rates and select the relevant currency).
Note: This column is only enabled when you select the Variable exchange rate check box for the selected purchase journal at System ➔ Finance ➔ Journals.
Amount (EUR)
This column displays the default currency amount after you press TAB at Amount column.
Note: In this column, the default currency is EUR. Therefore, this column is displayed as Amount (EUR). If the default currency is USD, GBP, CNY, or others, this column will be displayed accordingly.
Invoice type
By default, the Invoice type column displays the purchase type based on the positive or negative amount entered. If you type in a positive amount, the purchase type will become Purchase Invoice and if a negative amount is entered, the purchase type becomes Purchase credit note.
Type a description for the purchase journal.
Cost center
By default, the Cost center column is displayed based on the resource that creates the purchase journal. Type or select a different cost center if you do not want to use the default option.
Note: You can create cost centers at System ➔ Finance ➔ Cost centers/units ➔ Cost centers.
Cost unit
Type or select the cost u nit for the purchase journal.
Note: You can create cost units at System ➔ Finance ➔ Cost centers/units ➔ Cost units.
Project code
Type or select the project code for the purchase journal.
Free field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
There are five free fields allocated for the purchase journal. Use this column(s) to enter additional information, if any. These fields can be used to suit your personal preferences. You can specify the names for these free fields by selecting the General ledger transactions table at System ➔ General ➔ Free fields.
Payment condition
Type or select a payment condition for the purchase journal. By default, the payment condition displayed is based on the Payment condition defined at the Financial tab of the selected creditor at Finance ➔ Accounts payable➔ Maintain.
Inv due date
This column displays the invoice due date based on the payment condition selected. This column cannot be edited.
Line section
This section refers to the columns in the purchase journal line. If you want certain columns to be available in the purchase journal line, select the relevant check boxes for the columns. For example, if you want the Cost center column to be available in the purchase journal line, select the Cost center check box.
By default, the date displayed is based on the system date. This information is mandatory.
PO no.
By default, the PO no. column is blank when you create purchase entries. This column displays the purchase order number when you select a purchase order at Invoices to be received screen.
Note: The purchase order number is obtained from the purchase order you create and/or receive at Purchase ➔ Entries ➔ Purchase orders or Purchase ➔ Entries ➔ Receipts.
Item cd.
Type or select an item code for the purchase journal line.
Supplier’s item code
By default, the Supplier’s item code column displays the selected item code used by suppliers. This column is disabled the moment you create or modify a purchase entry.
Note: The supplier’s item code is based on the Supp. item code defined at the Items by supplier screen (go to Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Maintain, select the relevant item and go to Purchase/Sales tab) under the Suppliers section.
Item - Description
By default, the Item - Description column displays the description of the selected item. This column is disabled the moment you create or modify a purchase entry.
G/L - Description
By default, the G/L - Description column displays the description of the selected general ledger account. This column is disabled the moment you create or modify a purchase entry.
By default, the Person column displays the representative of the creditor. Type or select a different person if you do not want to use the default option.
Project code
Type or select a project code for the purchase journal line.
Cost center
Type or select a different cost center if there are other cost centers that need to be entered. By default, the cost center displayed is based on the cost center selected from the header section. Otherwise, the cost center is based on the selected general ledger account. This is defined at Default Cost center from general ledger maintenance (go to Finance ➔ General ledger ➔ Chart of G/L’s and select the relevant general ledger account) under the Cost centers/cost units tab.
Note: You can create cost centers at System ➔ Finance ➔ Cost centers/units ➔ Cost centers.
Cost unit
Type or select the cost unit for the purchase journal line. By default, the cost unit displayed is based on the selected general ledger account. This is defined at Default Cost unit from general ledger maintenance (go to Finance ➔ General ledge ➔ Chart of G/L’s and select the relevant general ledger account) under the Cost centers/cost units tab.
Note: You can create cost units at System ➔ Finance ➔ Cost centers/units ➔ Cost units.
Type the quantity for the purchase journal line. You can enter a positive or negative amount in this column.
By default, the Price column displays the purchase price from the selected creditor. Type another price if there is another for the selected item.
Type or select the tax or VAT code for the purchase journal line. By default, the tax or VAT displayed is based on the VAT defined for the selected supplier at the creditor maintenance (go to Finance ➔ Accounts payable ➔ Maintain and select the relevant creditor) under the Financial tab in the VAT section. Otherwise, the VAT is based on the VAT defined for the selected supplier at the Items by supplier screen (go to Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Maintain, select the relevant item and go to Purchase/Sales tab) under the Suppliers section. This information is mandatory.
Note: You can create tax or VAT at System ➔ General ➔ Countries ➔ Tax codes.
Amount (EUR)
The Amount (EUR) column is displays the purchase journal line amount in the default/local currency. This column cannot be edited.
Tax basis
By default, the Tax basis column displays the entered Amount of the purchase journal line.
Note: System uses this column as a basis to calculate the tax or value-added tax.
Tax amount
By default, the Tax amount column displays the tax or value-added tax amount that need to be paid to creditor.
Final invoice
Mark the Final invoice column as
when the purchase journal line has no partial invoice. The purchase journal line(s) that is/are of final invoice will not be displayed in the next Invoices to be received screen.
Type or select the code of the warehouse where the selected item is stored. By default, the warehouse code displayed is based on the selected item. This information is mandatory.
By default, the description displayed is based on the Description entered at header section. Type another description if there are others that need to be entered.
Free field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
There are five free fields allocated for the purchase journal line. Use this column(s) to enter additional information, if any. These fields can be used to suit your personal preferences. You can specify the names for these free fields by selecting the General ledger transactions table at System ➔ General ➔ Free fields.
Setting: Dialog section
In this section, you can set the messages that you want to display in the purchase journal entry for changes that are made to the purchase journal. These messages serve to warn the user who is creating/modifying the purchase journal of the changes before proceeding with the change. Select Always to always proceed with the changes without displaying a message, select Never to never proceed with the changes, therefore no message will be displayed, or select Ask user if you want the message to be displayed for the changes made to the purchase journal before proceeding with the changes.
Are you sure you want to cancel?
The Are you sure you want to cancel message is displayed whenever you press the ESC key from the purchase journal entry screen. Click Yes to return to the Finance ➔ Entries ➔ Purchase screen, or click No to return to the Make purchase entry screen.
Delete entry line?
The Delete entry line message is displayed when you select a purchase journal line and click Delete line. Click Yes to delete the purchase journal line, or click No to return to the purchase journal entry screen (the journal line will not be deleted).
The Continue message is displayed when you want to edit purchase entries that have been reconciled. Click Yes to edit the purchase journal or No to return to the purchase journal entry screen (the journal line will not be edited).
Already used: Continue anyway?
The Already used: Continue anyway message is displayed if the same number is used in Your reference for the same creditor. Click Yes to continue using the same your reference number, or click No to return to the Make purchase entry screen and to key in another reference number at Your reference.
Already processed
The Already processed message is displayed when you want to edit purchase entries that have been processed. Click Yes to edit the purchase journal, or click No to return to the Make purchase entry screen (the purchase journal will not be edited).
Update: Offset account?
The Update: Offset account message is displayed when you select a different offset account other than the default one for the selected item. Click Yes to update the other offset account into the debtor maintenance or No to use only the offset account for the selected item and return to the Finance ➔ Entries ➔ Purchase screen. This message is displayed only when you click Close.
Purchase price : Update?
The Purchase price : Update message is displayed when you type a different purchase price other than the default one for the selected item. Click Yes to update the new purchase price into the item maintenance or No to use only the purchase price for the selected item and return to the Make purchase entry screen.
INTRASTAT: Financial entries?
Select Yes to enable the INTRASTAT data to be entered in the purchase journal for a creditor from another European Union (EU) country. Alternatively, select No if you do not need to enter any INTRASTAT data in the purchase journal. For more information, see Creating and maintaining INTRASTAT for purchase journal entries.
Header/subline dates are different
The Header/subline dates are different message is displayed when you enter different dates at the purchase journal’s header and subline section. Click Yes to allow for different dates and return to the Finance ➔ Entries ➔ Purchase screen or No to return to the purchase journal entry screen. This message is displayed only when you click Close.
Show: Invoices to be received
Select Always to display the Invoices to be received screen once you have selected a valid creditor under the Creditor column in the purchase journal header section or Never to display the Invoices to be received screen only in the purchase journal sub lines when you press the F2 key under the PO no. column. Alternatively, select Automatic so that the Invoices to be received screen will be displayed (if an outstanding purchase order or receipt is available for the specific supplier) when you press the TAB key after typing or selecting a creditor in the Creditor column in the Make purchase entry screen. For more information, see Registering invoices using the invoices to be received functionality.
Entry already matched. Continue?
Select Always to allow you to edit a matched purchase journal entry without a warning message or Ask user to display the message "Entry aldready matched. Editing will unmatch this entry. Continue?" once you click Edit to edit a matched purchase journal entry.
Copy description from previous entry
Select Always to always copy the description in the header from the previous Make purchase entry screen. Alternatively, you can select Never to never copy the description in the header from the previous Make purchase entry screen.
Restore defaults
Click this for the system to restore the original/default column(s).
Set as default
Click this for the system to set the selected column(s) layout as the default for all users.
Click this to select all check boxes in the Header (except for Our ref., Cost center, Cost unit and Payment condition) and Line (except for VAT basis and Final invoice) section.
Click this to select the basic check boxes in the Header and Line section such as Date, EntryNo, G/L - Description, VAT and Description.
Click this to exit and to return to the Make purchase entry screen.
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