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WMS SKU Management: transfers and repacking process

WMS documentation


This document describes how to work with SKU's in WMS warehouse and location Transfers.



Once a SKU number is created and stock has been received for that SKU, it is possible in WMS issuing processes to just scan the SKU, without the need to enter: warehouse, location, item code, batch and quantity. All this data is already known from the SKU number. The first step of transfers is also an issuing process.

This document describes:


Hand terminal settings

For optimal configuration of hand terminal settings for SKU usage, please see section 'General hand terminal settings' in WMS SKU Management: general SKU settings.

Transfer whole SKU to a bulk location

Continuing from the sample in the receipt process, the received SKU's can now be transferred from the general receipt location to their respective bulk locations in the warehouse. For this purpose, menu 4 - Stock Transfers and 1 - Transfer from to is started on the hand terminal. When working with SKU's, it is possible to scan the SKU (SSCC) number in fields like 'warehouse', 'location' or 'item code'. Preferably scan the SKU number as soon as possible, so in the 'warehouse' field in this case.


By scanning the SKU number in the 'warehouse field', all information known for the SKU is automatically retrieved by WMS, and you can now enter directly the target warehouse and (bulk) location.

When you use transfers within one and the same warehouse, you could prefill and hide the 'warehouse' field in the hand terminal transfer settings. Then you only have to scan the target location.

When transferring the SKU to a location where SKUs are not allowed (because in Location Types you defined the location as 'sales units only') then the SKU will be automatically broken down into sales units. This means that the SKU number is no longer active, it does not exist anymore for WMS, expect for history reporting. The SKU label should be removed in that case.


After transferring a SKU, the input will return to either item code or location, depending on the setting 'focus' to in System, E-WMS, Scanners, Stock transfer settings.

In this field you can scan a SKU number again to start transferring a SKU.


Transferring part of SKU (breaking up)

When the configuration of the SKU allows 'breaking up', it is possible to transfer part of the SKU. The transferred quantity are loose sales units from that point on, and the original SKU will remain a SKU, but 'broken'.

To indicate that you are not transferring the whole SKU but a specific quantity, you can use the SKU/Sales units switch.

Sample of transferring part of a SKU in Transfer from to:


When the SKU configuration setting Allow breaking up SKU is disabled, this message will show:



When SKU Management is enabled, WMS transfer menu 4 - Transfer to one is renamed to 4 - Repack to. This menu is to be used after first using 2 - Transfer from, in order to repack a SKU.

For example, parts of SKU numbers 123456710000000476 and 123456710000000477 are to be repacked to one new SKU, and to loose sales units.


Scan source SKU's

First, select transfer menu 2 - Transfer from, then scan the SKU number at warehouse or location. After that, the focus returns to item code or location, depending on your settings.

If the focus returns to item code, this means that the hand terminal setting 'focus to next field' was disabled. The SKU is now already issued from the known source location (the scan counter on the screen was increased by 1).

You can scan a second SKU, or press Ready to end the scanning the source SKU.


If the focus returned to Location, then the hand terminal setting 'focus to next field' was enabled, just confirm the source location, item code, (S/B), SKU number and quantity.

After that you can scan a second SKU, or press Ready to end the scanning the source SKU.



Repack to

Now select transfer menu Repack to. Fill the target warehouse and location.


At input of item code, you can enter the item code or scan the source SKU (which was just scanned using menu 2 - Transfer from) to identify the item.

Next, the SKU label print screen will automatically open (otherwise press the SKU label button ), you will have to print new labels for one or more new SKUs (in this sample, SKU number 123456710000005585).

Enter the quantity to print labels for (part of or whole of the source SKU) and enter the number of labels you need (1 to repack all, or 2 or more to split target SKUs).


Next, depending on the setting 'focus to next field' you have to confirm all source SKU fields, or not.

The input of 'Outer SKU' means: scan the (first) new target SKU.

The target SKU is scanned from the new label, and since in this sample, this is a batch item, the batch has to be confirmed.
The quantity is prefilled with the default quantity (432 in this case) for this SKU type, but is changed to 200 because of building a new partial SKU. Please change the quantity if needed.


Now the input returns to location or to item code (depending on the Transfers hand terminal setting 'Focus to') , the second source SKU can be scanned, and again the same target SKU, for the same batch, and quantity 232.

Now there is a remainder 232 for the first source SKU and 200 for the second source SKU, to be transferred as sales units to picking location '05-C-11'. At item code, scan the source SKU, to identify the item and batch.


After this, you are done. The repack (transfer) can be read back and processed with the WMS Transfers functionality.



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