Manufacturing ➔ Setup ➔ Scenarios
Cost price calculation scenarios are used to enable unique cost calculations for each end product. The scenarios will also offer overviews of the actual costs of these end products by taking into consideration specific cost factors. When there are changes in the cost price in any level of the bill of materials (BOM), the cost price will be updated all the way to the end product. You are able to specify the BOM level you want to include, sales margin, type of purchase price for purchased components (Cost price, Purchase price (Main supplier), Sales price) and the type of cost price for manufactured components (Cost price, Calculated cost price (Main version), Sales price). Updated cost price calculations can be exported to Microsoft Excel and stored as a document for reference and audit purposes.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 421 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Keep in mind: The Copy button will be enabled only if a cost price scenario is selected.
Keep in mind: The Delete button will be enabled only if a cost price scenario is selected.
Note: It is possible that not all the columns in the overview are displayed. You can add or delete columns as required. For more information, see Inserting and deleting columns.
You can search for cost price calculation scenarios that you want to display. To search for calculation scenarios, you can define the scenario or description and click Search. The scenarios that match the criteria you have entered are then displayed.
Click this to search for cost price calculation scenarios based on the search criteria.
Click this to clear the search criteria.
Type the number of rows to be displayed for each page. If you have set the default number of rows to 10, then 10 rows will be displayed. Therefore, if you have more than 10 rows listed, the Previous and Next buttons become available.
Click this to return to the previous list of scenarios.
Click this to go to the next list of scenarios.
Select either BOM or Production order to list or create scenarios for BOMs or production orders.
Note: This is available only if you have E-Special order (SE4010) in your license.
Select the required option to filter the search that starts with or contains a certain letter or word.
Type a complete or partial scenario name to search for the cost price calculation scenario that matches this scenario name.
Type a description or part of it to search for the cost price calculation scenario(s) that matches this description.
Click this to create a cost price calculation scenario with the same details as an existing scenario. Select the cost price calculation scenario that you want to copy, and then click this. In the Save as: Scenario screen, type the new scenario and description, and then click Save.
Click this to delete a selected cost price calculation scenario.
Click this to view or modify the selected cost price calculation scenario. For more information, see Creating and modifying cost price calculation scenarios.
Click this to create a cost price calculation scenario. For more information, see Creating and modifying cost price calculation scenarios.
Click this to exit.