Manufacturing ➔ Setup ➔ BOM
In this screen, you can obtain an overview of Bills of Materials (BOM). A BOM is a list of all parts, subassemblies, raw materials, and their respective quantities needed to assemble the end product (parent) or item (main assembly). The structure of a BOM defines the relationship between a parent and its components. A manufactured item consists of component items such as material, labor hours, and machine hours. The component items are either outsourced (purchased from a third party) or manufactured from a separate list of component items. In this screen, you can also create or maintain existing BOMs.
The information in this document is based on product update 407 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Type the number of rows to be displayed for each page. If you have set the default number of rows to 10, then 10 rows will be displayed. Therefore, if you have more than 10 rows listed, the Previous and Next buttons become available.
Select a warehouse to search for all items that are linked to the warehouse. Select All to display items for all warehouses.
Select the assortment(s) to display items linked to the selected assortment(s).
Note: The number of Assortment fields displayed depends on the number of assortments defined at Order ➔ Items ➔ Assortments or System ➔ General ➔ Settings, under Item data settings.
Select the Active, Blocked, Discontinued, Future, and/or Inactive check boxes to display the items with the specific statuses.
Select the Standard, Labour hour, Machine hour, Bulk issue, Phantom, and/or Contract check boxes to display the items with the specific types.
Select the Sales, Stock, Make, Buy, Part, Batch, and/or Serial check boxes to display the items with the specific attributes.
Select starts with or contains to filter the items that start with or contain the defined letter or word.
Type an item code to display the specific item.
Type a full or partial description to display the items that match the defined description.
Click this to display the items that match the defined criteria.
Click this to clear the defined criteria.
Click this to return to the previous results page.
Click this to display the next results page.
Click this to display or hide the additional criteria.
Click this to calculate the low level codes of all the make items. The "The process may take some time. Continue?" message will be displayed. Click Yes to start the calculation.
Click this to create a BOM version for a specific item by copying the operation, BOM, and/or step relation of an existing BOM version. In the BOMs – Copy screen, select an existing BOM version and click Copy. Click Close to exit.
Click this to delete the selected BOM version. In the BOMs – Delete screen, you will see a list of all the versions that can be deleted. Select the version you want to delete and click Delete. However, the application will first check if the BOM can be deleted.
Click this to view or modify a BOM version for a specific item. For more information, see Creating and maintaining Bills of Materials.
Click this to create a BOM entry. For more information, see Creating and maintaining Bills of Materials.
Click this to exit.