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Exact Synergy   

On line help file: Maintenance screen Logistics



The maintenance page of the module logistics[Logistics, Maintenance] gives access to all functionality's to setup a logistic registration in e-Synergy.


Explanation of links




Catalogs are used to display the registered items, for example in a webshop. When clicked a list of available catalogs will be displayed.


Move: Item - Attributes

This functionality gives the posibility to alter the assortment properties and attributes for an group of items.


Move: Item - Assortment

This functionality moves one item form one assortment to another assortment.


Recode: Item

This is the recode functionality for items.


Merge: Items

This functionality merges two itemcodes into one itemcode.


Delete: Item - Attachements

This functionality can be used to perform a batch delete of attachments for an assortment release.



Items belong to an assortment. This hyperlink will show the list of the existing assortments and will give the opertunity to create a new assortment. There is no limit to the amount of assortments.


Assortment: Properties

Ten variables can be created in a e-Synergy environment. These variables can be linked to the assortment. The quantity of values within the variable is unlimited.


Item - Relation types

Relations between items can be maintained in e-Synergy. The needed relation types are activated here.



It is possible to register units. This hyperlink will show the existing units and offer the oppertunity to create a new unit.


Price lists

Evenry sales item needs to be linked to a price list before it can be used in e-Synergy. This hyperlink will show the existing prise lists and offer the posibility to create a new price list. This functionality is only available in a integrated scenario where e-Synergy and Exact Globe 2003 use one database.



This hyperlink presents a list of available warehouses and offers the posibility to create a new warehouse.



Opens the settings screen where number ranges can be set and the default warehouse can be specified.


Settings - Sequence number

Starts a functionality to specify the next available invoice number per division.





 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 04.437.857
 Assortment:  Date: 15-03-2017
 Release:  Attachment:

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