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XML-Server: CSV import definition for Accounts receivable


This document describes the CSV import definition for Accounts receivable in Exact Globe 2003


No. Field name Description Type Remarks Form.
1 debcode Debtor code
Numstr  Mandatory A20
2 naam Name Text  Mandatory A30
3 adres1 Address line 1 Text   A30
4 adres2 Address line 2 Text   A30
5 postcode Postcode Text   A8
6 woonpl City Text   A30
7 landcode Country Text   A3
8 debzk Search code Text Obsolete A6
9 valcode Currency Text   A3
10 telnr Telephone number Text   A15
11 faxnr Telefax Text   A15
12 cntpers1 Contact Text   A30
13 mv1 Man/Woman/Unknown. Text   A1
14 prdcode1 Title code Text   A4
15 vrlttrs1 Initials Text   A10
16 functie1 Job specification. Text   A15
17 telnrcp1 Telephone number Text   A15
18 banknr1 Bank account number Text   A10
19 banknaam Bank name Text Obsolete A20
20 Empty - -   A10
21 postbanknrd Postbank account debtor Numstr Not supported A10
22 betwijze Payment method Text   A1
23 tegreknr offset account Numstr   A9
24 dagbknr Journal Numstr   A2
25 aandacht Attention field Y/N   A1
26 categorie Category Text   A2
27 fakdebnr Invoice debtor Numstr   A6
28 kredlimiet Credit line Number   N8,2
29 bether Reminder. Y/N   A1
30 betcond Payment condition. Text   A2
31 blokkeer Block N/Y   A1
32 verteg Representative Text Not supported A3
33 prijslijst Price list Text   A3
34 ex_artcode Extra item code Text   A2
35 levwijze Delivery method Text   A3
36 korting Discount percentage Number   N3,2
37 datlaanm Date last reminder Date   A8
38 layoutcode Layout code Text   A1
39 taalcode Language code Text   A3
40 debsaldolj Debit balance current financial year Number Obsolete N8,2
41 crdsaldolj Credit balance current financial year Number Obsolete N8,2
42 debsaldosj Debit balance secondary financial year Number Obsolete N8,2
43 crdsaldosj Credit balance secondary financial year Number Obsolete N8,2
44 saldontvwd debit balance to be posted. Number Obsolete N8,2
45 saldontwvc credit balance to be posted Number Obsolete N8,2
46 omz_ex_lj Revenue excluding VAT current financial year Number Obsolete N8,2
47 omz_in_lj Revenue including VAT current financial year Number Obsolete N8,2
48 omz-ex_vj Revenue excluding VAT previous financial year Number Obsolete N8,2
49 omz_in_vj Revenue including VAT previous financial year Number Obsolete N8,2
50 bedrorder Amount on order Number   N8,2
51 faktoring Factoring N/Y   A1
52 btw_nummer VAT number Text   A20
53 Datectrl Check date Date   A6

Explanation about the datatypes can be found in document 01.081.509 .

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 10.623.393
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
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