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Exact Synergy   

Installation Application Server



In e-Synergy several functionalities are dependent on the jobs defined in MS SQL Server Agent. These jobs are scheduled and take over tasks like import financial transactions, sending mails to the mail server, calculation customer ratings.
Next a explanation is given about the installation of e-Synergy as well the configurations of the applications jobs, MS SQL Server Agent, Outlook Express and Excel. The application or the SQL database server is setup from scratch when for example the server's hardware is replaced, when the operating software is re-installed or when no e-Synergy environment is been installed before.




Setting up the application server can be different for every company. When a optimal performance is required of the SQL Database server than it might be considerable to set up an application server for running the background job. Otherwise running the background jobs on the SQL Database server would be sufficient. The following list can be used to set up the application or SQL Database server. 






Before the installation of  e-Synergy is started it is recommended that the server meets the following minimum software requirements:


  • Microsoft Windows 2000 inclusing most recent service packages and critical updates.
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server 5 (part of Windows 2000)
  • Microsoft MS SQL 2000
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Outlook Express


Check if the requirements and configuration of the software has been done properly by using the documents:



Installation e-Synergy on application server


The installation procedure to install e-Synergy on an application server is partly the same as when an installation is performed on a web server. The document " e-Synergy installation web server " describes the installation procedures.

As mentioned in the "Introduction" the application server is used to import financial transactions in the main database. To support this import the financial replication tools must be installed after the installation of e-Synergy. The document "Installation replication components" describes three scenario's that can be used to install these tools.


Note 1

When e-Synergy is not installed on the application server the background jobs will not function.


Note 2:

Update e-Synergy on the application server after e-Synergy on the webservers are updated. Not updating e-Synergy on the application server might cause that the SQL jobs will not run properly.



Configuration MS SQL Server Agent


In e-Synergy several functionalities are dependent on the jobs defined in MS SQL Server Agent. But in order to run all jobs properly the settings of the SQL Server Agent must be configured. The document "Configuration MS SQL Server Agent " describes which setting should be adjusted in the properties of the SQL Agent Server.


Configuration Excel


When installing MS Excel select the option 'Prerequisites' in order to copy al required components of MS Excel on the server. This will prevent that Excel will ask to the MS Office installation software when Excel is opened or used. No changes in the Excel configuration has to be made after the installation of Excel. Check if Excel can be started.


Configuration Outlook Express


In order to work with e-Synergy mail merge the configuration of MS Outlook Express of the application server must be set. The document "Configuration Outlook Express " describes the configurations of MS Outlook Express.


Configuration application jobs in MS SQL Server Agent or task schedule.


The backgrounds applications should be defined on the application server. During this process the following documents can be usefull:



Note: instead of using the MS SQL Server to set up the application jobs the Windows Task Scheduler can be used:


Related Topics





 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 00.860.355
 Assortment:  Date: 16-03-2017
 Release:  Attachment:

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