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On line help file: Creating an new item



In the module e-Logistics, [Entry, Items], items can be created and maintained. Per section the available fields will be explained.


Explanation of fields



A code should be created for an item. The itemcode should be unique within the database.



By default an item is created with World as country. When an item is sold in more then one country, itemcode-country combinations are created to register the (price)regulations per country.



Enter the description for the item. This field supports up to 60 characters. If a longer description is wanted, the remarks field can be used.



An item can be linked to a division, which can be used a filter



The resource linked to an item is the owner of the item and can therefore edit and modify the item properties. Only one resource can be item owner.



The default warehouse for the item. This warehouse will be pre filled in logistic transactions for this item.



Several item types do exist;

  • Standard
  • Phantom
  • Bulk issue
  • Labor hour
  • Machine hour
  • Contract

The item type determines how the item can be used in e-Synergy and Exact Globe 2000.

Active from

The commencement date when the item can be used. You can specify a future date to indicate a item that will be available in the future.


Active to

The expiry date when the item would cease to be used.  


Security level

The security level determines who is allowed to use the item. For more info on item security, click here.




The button gives the possibility to specify the sales unit.



In the consolidated scenario the prices in the item card can be set as type 'Discount' or as type 'Variants'. Variants are used when setting up different price models independable of the total numbers of items sold. For price models dependable on the total numbers sold items the price type 'Discounts' is used. For both prices types new prices can be defined. These prices are used in the contracts when adding a contact item to the contract. However once the contract is created the price changes of the items are not calculated in the contract prolongation except when you use the variants in the contract item.
The types 'Variants' and 'Discount' are not available when usting the integrated scenario. In the integrated scenario the prices can be defined using pricelists.



The sales price can be entered here.



The cost price can be entered here.



The selected attributes make is possible to use the item in the selected circumstances. For example if you want to be able to sell an item, the sales attribute must be checked. Or if you want to use serial numbers, the box should be checked. At least one attribute must be set for an item. To find out more on attributes, click here.




The button gives the possibility to specify a general ledger account to register the value of assets-items.



The button gives the possibility to specify the general ledger account to register the cost of goods.



The button gives the possibility to specify the general ledger account to register the purchases.



The button gives the possibility to specify the general ledger account to register the value of the revenues for the item.




The button gives the possibility to specify a replacement item in case the requested item is not available.


Request - Shopping

The button gives the possibility to specify the request definition which is used for the registration of the sales process.


Request - Purchase

The button gives the possibility to specify the request definition which is used for the registration of the purchase process.


Statistical code

For Intrastat purposes the button gives the possibility to select the statistical code for the item.


Weight: Net

For Intrastat purposes the weight of the item in kilograms should be entered here.



After saving the edit screen of an item also offers the possibility to add an image to the item card by using the 'Insert new image' hyperlink.


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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 00.797.189
 Assortment:  Date: 08-06-2018
 Release:  Attachment: