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Setting up: Invoicing accounts using Exact Globe 200x


Contracts can be used to register all the products or services the customer bought. In case the use of products or services is time limited the use of contracts allows you also to invoice these accounts periodically. Think about maintenance fee for software, subscriptions papers or magazines or to collect the contribution of members of organizations. During the contract prolongation process contracts are prolonged automatically as well invoices are created by a background process. These invoices can be imported in one of Exact back offices products like Exact Globe 200x.

Before using the contracts master data needs to be entered and some settings to be configured. This document describes the steps you have to take to set up the contracts for accounts and is one of the three main documents that describes the total concept of contracts in Exact e-Synergy.

 Setting up: Invoicing accounts using Exact Globe 200x


Invoicing accounts using the prolongation process:

The next setting should be changed to avoid that invoice numbers are created from the next free invoice number in Exact Globe 200x. Once it is set properly invoice numbers will be generated from the next free invoice number per journal.


After this the XML can be exported from in Exact e-Synergy.


After the export the XML file can be imported in Exact e-Synergy. The xml contains information that Exact Globe 200x  will use to create invoices.


The last step is to check if the created invoices are correct.


Once the invoices are processed financial transactions are created. These transactionlines can be uploaded to Exact e-Synergy in order to run financial reports.


Related Topics:

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 07.142.182
 Assortment:  Date: 08-06-2018
 Release:  Attachment: