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Exact Synergy   

Setting up assortment for contracts use.



Before using the contracts in e-Synergy the assortment in which you want to create a contract should be defined to allow you to create this contract for this specific assortment. These settings can be set in [Logistics, Maintenance, General, Assortment].


Roles and Function Rights



Function right 217 [System, Maintenance, Security, Function rights, Logistics] is responsible for the rights of creating and maintaining assortments. This function right is by default linked to the role 'Item management'. Users with this role are able to create and maintain the assortments.




First create an assortment or open an assortment in [Logistics, Maintenance, General, Assortments]. Then go to section 'Contracts'.


Used in: Contracts

Mark this option when you want to use the assortment for creating contracts. Once it is marked the assortment will appear in the 'New: Contract' list. This list is displayed when the hyperlink 'Contracts' is selected in section 'Monitor' in the accountcard. Choose one of the assortment in which you like to create a contract.


Allow: New - Contracts

It could be that an assortment should not be used anymore to create contracts in. Once contracts are created for a specific assortment the option 'Used in: Contracts' can not be unmarked anymore. The following error message will be displayed as soon you tried to save the assortment.



The message tells that contracts already exists and therefor the option can not be unmarked. To disable the function to create new contracts in an assortment that is not allowed to create for, you can unmark the option 'Allow: New - Contracts'. As you can see in 'New: Contract' list the assortment disappeared.


Item - Selection

You can create a main contract item for every assortment. New created contracts can be linked to this main contract item. The item is than used to distinguish a contract from other contracts having different main contract items. Within one assortment you can have different main contract items. However in case only one main contract item is used for an assortment the field 'Item' in the contract can be prefilled by giving a selection criteria in the 'Item -Selection' field like the example in the next figure. In case contracts are created in Exact Globe 2003 than this field should be filled as well. In Exact Globe 2003 a contract doesnot contain a contract header however a contract e-Synergy does. During the import of contracts from the back office to e-Synergy contract header will be created automatically based on the information in the field 'Item - Selection'.



In the same 'Contract' section the main category, category and sub category can be set. In these categories the contract document will be created. Security level is used to assign the correct security level to these contract documents.




Related Topics





   Main document: Setting up contracts - Step 2.


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 06.687.770
 Assortment:  Date: 08-06-2018
 Release:  Attachment: