In some cases it may be necessary to determine which Windows system account is used as 'IIS user' for anonymous logins into the E-WMS web site.
Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager in Start, Settings, Control panel, Administrative tools, or by starting Start, Run and typing INETMGR (Enter).
Select and expand: server name, (web) sites, Default web site.
Right-click on the E-WMS virtual directory name and choose Properties, tab 'Directory Security' and press Edit:
In this case, the IIS user name is "IUSR".
Choose icon 'Authentication' (or "verificatie" in Dutch) in section 'IIS', right-click on 'Anonymous authentication' and choose Edit.
In this sample, the IIS user name is also "IUSR".
It is possible that the E-WMS website is configured to use an application pool, in that case you need to check the properties of the used application pool for the credentials used (which is the "Identity" in advanced pool settings). This also depends on the Credentials settings shown in the screenshot above. Document Installation and configuration of Microsoft IIS on Windows Server 2008 describes using an Application Pool on Windows Server 2008.