In E-WMS control centers, the checkmark option 'Show all' can be enabled or disabled. The default usage is 'disabled'.
When the option 'Show all' is enabled, additional orders will show, which would normally be suppressed, because of:
From release 411, following improvements were introduced related to the 'Show all' option:
These improvement also have been patched to release 410 (from 410SP1) and 409 (from 409SP1).
The control center shows extra columns with information, to indicate these possible reasons. Scroll all the way to the right to show these columns.
An extra date selection is possible when enabling the option 'Show all', to prevent performance problems (showing all production orders).
The date filter is necessary to limit the selection of showing all orders, since selecting 'start date=all' and enabling 'Show all' will show all production orders in your database.
If this production order had any lines in status 'picking', these could now be rolled back (from release 411).